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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 法院的裁决使得版权组织无法再从提供P2P软件的公司身上打主意,只好黔驴技穷地起诉利用P2P盗版的用户。然而,由于侵犯版权的网络用户人数众多,加之网络共享的相对隐蔽性,注定了这是一场没有结果的斗争。网络用户和版权组织玩起了一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。 2003年4月份,RIAA起诉了几名参与P2P网络盗版的学生,后来几名学生同意赔偿12000~17000美元,双方达成了和解。RIAA似乎尝到了甜 头,很快又在6月25日表示,它计划起诉通过互联网非法传输版权音乐作品的个人,意图将反盗版战线扩展到数以百万计网络用户。 当然,RIAA主要目的不是想与数不清的用户打官司,而是想通过这种威胁让P2P用户不再进行音乐文件交换。不过RIAA的愿望恐怕会落空,因为虽然 短时间内P2P用户在交换文件方面有所收敛,但他们在朝着不暴露自己真实身份的匿名交换转向。版权组织揭发用户侵权时,主要是通过IP地址来确认网络用户 的真实身份的,所以只要能够藏自己的IP地址,就不会遇到麻烦。 在RIAA宣布起诉个人用户后,能够隐藏用户的IP地址的Freenet得到了人们的青睐,Freenet网站的访问量立刻增加了3倍。此外,很多黑 客工具都具有隐藏用户IP的功能,所以P2P用户势必与RIAA玩一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。要想真正解决P2P给版权保护带来的麻烦,单纯的法律手段是行不通 的,还必须从技术方面着手。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 来自CacheLogic公司的数据 * * Napster was developed by Shawn Fanning while a freshman at Northeastern University and was introduced in May 1999. Members of the Napster community could download a free program that searched the local hard disks of other users for MP3 files and then were able to download these files directly from other peers. By the end of the year, Napster boasted membership in the millions, thanks to word of mouth advertisement at college and universities worldwide. As Napster became more popular, recording artists, labels and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) began to campaign to have Napster banned from computer on college campuses because they claimed Napster users violated copyright laws by “stealing” music. The RIAA sued Napster in December 1999 which was followed by the rock band Metallica filing a lawsuit against the company in April 2000. After long legal battles and a failed attempt to become a pay-based service, Napster stopped operation in July 2001, but not before reigniting the peer-to-peer craze. * * * * * * * 事实上,互联网免费音乐交换不仅没有随着Napster倒掉而消失,相反,一个Napster倒下了,更多的Napster站起来了。以 Morpheus、Gnutella、Kazaa为代表的基于P2P技术的新“Napster”立即填补了Napster所留下的市场空白并加以发扬光大 --仅以上三家就拥有了700万用户,而Napster在它的鼎盛时期也不过200万而已


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