双语介绍 大英博物馆精选.doc

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双语介绍 大英博物馆精选

博物馆全攻略:大英博物馆 When the British Museum opened in 1753, it was the world’s first national public museum, free (as it still is) to all “studious and curious persons.” It contains a breathtaking collection of over 8 million objects that paint an interconnected portrait of the world’s cultures. But it also epitomizes the long British traditions of exploration, quirkiness and obsessive collecting. You could spend weeks here. But don’t worry; we’ll guide you through. 大英博物馆于1753年对外开放,是世界上第一个国立公共博物馆,免费(至今仍然如此)对所有“勤奋与好奇的人”开放。它的藏品达到惊人的800多万件,为多种世界文化描绘出一幅彼此相联的画卷。但它也体现了英国长期以来探索、怪趣与收藏癖的悠久传统。你可以在这里一连呆上几个星期。但是不要担心:我们可以为你做个向导。 Five Must-Sees 五个必看之处 If you don’t have time to idly wander, start your visit with these collections. 如果你没时间到处闲逛,那就从这些藏品开始吧。 THE KEY TO THE ANCIENT WORLD 通往古代世界的钥匙 The Egyptian Galleries | Room 4 埃及馆 | 4号展厅 This long, spectacular gallery, stretching almost the length of the museum’s west side, houses sculptures and artifacts from about 3,000 years of ancient Egyptian civilization. It features spectacular busts, elaborately engraved sarcophagi and the museum’s most popular exhibit — the Rosetta Stone, dating from 196 B.C. and inscribed with near-identical texts in three scripts, which allowed linguists to develop an understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs through comparison. 这个长而壮观的展馆几乎贯穿整个博物馆西翼,藏有横跨3000年古埃及文明的雕塑与文物。其中有壮观的半身像、精心雕刻的石棺,以及博物馆最受欢迎的展品——罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone),它大约来自公元前196年,以三种文字刻着几乎相同的文本,令语言学家能够通过比较来发展对埃及象形文字的理解。 Why It’s Must See: These exhibits give an instant idea of the magnificence, ambition and sophistication of ancient Egyptian culture. 必看原因:这些展品能令人立刻了解到古埃及文化的宏伟、抱负与复杂性。 What to Look For: A giant sculpture of a scarab beetle, with tenderly carved and curving legs, and an enormous bust of Ramesses II, which inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias.” 看点:一座巨大的圣甲虫雕塑,有着柔和的线条和弯曲的腿,还有一座巨大的拉美西斯二世(Ramesses II)半身像,正是它启发珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)写下了《奥兹曼迪亚斯》(Ozymandias)这首诗。 Nearby: Adjacent to the long Egyptian gallery is part of the museum’s Middle


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