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品牌管理整理: Chapter.1 ①定义(definition):According to the American Marketing Association(AMA),a brand is a “name,term,sign,symbol,or design,or a combination of them,intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition”. (P2) ②品牌的优点: Consumers: ·Identification of source of product识别产品来源 ·Assignment of responsibility to product maker追溯制造商责任的依据 ·Risk reducer减少风险 ·Search cost reducer降低搜寻成本 ·Promise,bond,or pact with maker of product 产品质量的承诺和契约 ·Symbolic device象征意义 ·Signal of quality质量信号 Manufacturers ·Means of identification to simplify handling or tracing简化处理或追踪的识别工具 ·Means of legally protecting unique features合法保护产品独特性的工具 ·Signal of quality level to satisfied customers满足顾客质量要求的标志 ·Means of endowing products with unique associations赋予产品独特联想的途径 ·Source of competitive advantage竞争优势的源泉 ·Source of financial returns财务回报的来源 (P6) ③战略品牌管理过程 Identifying and establishing brand positioning识别和确立品牌定位和价值 Planning and implementing brand marketing programs规划并执行品牌营销活动 Measuring and interpreting brand performance评估和诠释品牌绩效 Growing and sustaining brand equity提升和维系品牌资产 (P33) Chapter.2 Customer-based brand equity: Three ingredients:(1)differential effect差异化效应 (2)brand knowledge品牌知识 (3)consumer response to marketing 顾客对营销的反应 (P41) Brand knowledge: Two components:(1)brand awareness品牌认知 (2)brand image品牌形象 (P43) Chapter.3 Brand positioning: According to the CBBE model, deciding on a positioning requires determining a frame of reference(by identifying the target market and the nature of competition)and ideal points of parity and points of difference brand associations. (P80) PODs: Points of difference:are attributes or benefits that consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand POPs: Points of parity associations:on the other hand, are not necessarily unique to the brand but may in fact be shared with other brands. (P89) Deliver


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