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英翻中都是练习上的,中翻英只有一题不是练习上的。 2012-2013学年第一学期《商务英语》(一)期末考试定于16周进行,考试范围Units 1、2、4、5、6、9,考试题型如下: Part I Reading Comprehension: 30% (出自课外) Part II Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 20% (出自网上练习) Part III Put the following sentences into English: 20% (出自网上练习和课本内容) Part IV Business Writing: 30% ( 出自课外) Section A: Memo 10% Section B: Business Letter(商业信函) 20% 商品交易会,摊位,连锁零售店,厂商,大量订购,净目录价格,商业折扣,30天远期付款交单 商务英语(英翻中) Unit 1 The problem, he says,is not just that employees at Boeing think of other countries as being exotic.(P7) 他认为,问题不仅仅在于波音公司的员工们认为其他国家有别于本国。 There are too many examples in aviation and other sectors of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that . 在航空以及其他部门,已经有太多例子表明,努力去完成全球化的公司所发生的事情。 It would not repeat earlier mistakes such as attempting to enter the train or boat-building business. 他不会重复早期的错误,如试图进入火车或轮船制造业。 He is impressed, he says , by the way in which oil companies have benefited from losing national images. 他说,石油公司通过失去国家形象而获利的方式令他印象深刻。 Royal Dutch/Shell is another group which manages to present itself as a lacal company in the countries in which it operates. 壳牌公司是另外一个集团,已成功地在其营运国家树立起当地公司的形象。 As companies move towards ‘remote working ’, the need for the right tone of voice extends to every level of the organization.(P10) 随着公司朝远程办公发展,对于正确语调的需求扩展到公司组织的每个层面。 Unit 2 The aim of the advertising campaign is to enhance brand awareness, so that consumers become more familiar with our coffee products.(P15) 广告攻势的目标是提升品牌意识,从而让顾客对我们的咖啡产品更熟悉。 Volvos brand image is that of a well-engineered, upmarket, safe car. 沃尔沃的品牌形象是动力强劲,保障安全,并适合高端市场的车。 A brand can be a name, a term or a symbol. It is used to differentiate a product from competitions products. 品牌可以是一个名称,一个条款或者一个符号。它用来将一个产品与其竞争产品区分开来。 Brands should add value to products . Its a synergy effect whereby one plus one equals three. 品牌应该为产品增加价值,这是一种相当于一加一等于三的综合效应。 Calvin Klein is tired of piracy , says Alice Rawsthorn, and has started a global offensive against counterfeiters.(P16) Alice Rawsth


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