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25 12 2008 12 : 1006 - 9348( 2008) 12 - 0001- 07 A gent 1 1 2 3 廖守亿 , 陈 坚 , 陆宏伟 , 戴金海 ( 1. , 710025; 2. , 100085; 3. , 4 10073 ) : A gent(A BM S ), , A gen t , CA S , A BM S A gent ; ABM S ( ) ; A BM S, ; A BM S , ABM S ; ABM S A BM S : ; ; ; ; : TP39119 : A Summ arization of A gen t- BasedM odeling and Sim u lation 1 1 2 3 L AO Shou- yi, CHEN J ian , LU H ong- w ei, DA J in- ha i ( 1. The Second A rtille ry Eng ineering Co llege, X ipan Shanx i 710025, Ch ina; 2. Be ij ing nfo rma tion and H igh T echno logy nstitute, Be ijing 100085, Ch ina; 3. Co llege of A e rospace andM a teria lEng ineering, N ational U niv ers ity of D efense T echno logy, Changsha H unan 410073, China) AB STRACT: A gent- based m ode ling and smi ulation ( ABM S) is a new approach fo r modeling system s com pr ised of autonomous, interacting agents and it is an effective me thod and modeling smi ulation (M S) m ethodo logy for com- p lex sy stem s. Som e have gone so far as to contend that ABM S is a th ird w ay of doing sc ience besides deductive and inductive reason ing. ABM S has becom e a new resea rch hotspot in M S dom a in. The theo re tica l and practica l founda- tions, the concepts of ABM S such as CAS and agent, w ere summ arized who lly and system ica lly. The pr inc iples of A BM S, that is smi p le rules result in em ergen t o rganiza


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