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OpenMeetings 源码下载方法To develop or build OpenMeetings you download the Project as regular Web-Project. You need the Subclipse Plugin for Eclipse, a database and a Tomcat Server installed on your system to test and debug the Code. Step1 - Get required SoftwareTo develop OpenMeetings you need at least: Eclipse in a up to date copy and Java6 Subclipse Plugin (to download the Code from the Repository into Eclipse) MySQL (or Postgres, or other Databases supported by Hibernate) Tomcat 6 installed on your system to test and debug the code Step2 - Download the SourceAdvanced Users: Check out the Code from the Repository as a Dynamic Web-Project into Eclipse. URL: /svn/trunk/singlewebapp//svn/trunk/singlewebapp/ Add Memory settings to Run Configuration (Run Run Configurations ...) Click on Apache Tomcat Your Server Name Second Tab Arguments Add: -Xms512m -Xmx1024M add the end = the webapp will install itself into Context Root. URL to run is: http://localhost:8080/openmeetings/maindebug.lzx?lzproxied=solohttp://localhost:8080/openmeetings/maindebug.lzx?lzproxied=solo Step-By-Step: 1) Start Eclipse 2) Change Perspective to SVN Repository Exploring:3) Select SVN Repository Exploring and click ok.4) A new Dialog in Eclipse opens SVN Repositories5) Click on the icon with the plus in the top right corner in the SVN Repository Dialog6) Add the URL /svn/trunk/singlewebapp//svn/trunk/singlewebapp/ and click Finish7) After download is complete you see a new Source Repository in the Repository Explorer. Right click on it and choose checkout8) In the Dialog the opens now just click next 9) In the next Dialog just click Finish, Eclipse will then download the sources 10) After the download is complete you will see a new Project in the Package Explorer Dialog of EclipseStep3 - Build and deploy the code in EclipseAdd Tomcat Server in Eclipse and deploy OpenMeetings webapp into it Make sure that you have the right default JVM Library (Java 6 is required) in the classpath.Right click on the


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