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20 4 Vo.l 20 No. 4 20 10 12 Journal ofX inyang Agricu lturalColl g D c. 2010 1 2 李艳丽, 尚 存 ( 1. , 464000; 2. , 464000) : , , , , , : ; ; : TP39 1. 41 : A : 2010) R esearch of edge detection ba sed on the m athem atical of hum an face 1 2 LIY anli, SHANG Cun ( 1. Coll g of C om put r and Information T chnology, X inyang Norm alUn iv rsity, X inyang 464000, Ch ina; 2. D pt. of Programm ing and D sign, X inyang Agricultural Coll g , X inyang 464000, Ch ina) A bstract: H ow to d fin and xtract th f atur of hum an fac is a k y and com plicat d prob l m th dg and con tour of hum an fac is on of mi portant f atur s. On mi prov d dg d t ction op rator is propos d. Th m thod can d t ct th dg ffici nthy and k p th d t ct d dg sm ooth. Exp rmi n ts d m onstrat that com par d w ith trad ition dg d ctors, th is dg d t ctor has a good p rform anc of nois r duction and r quir s f w r calcu lation, nhancing its practicality and ab lity. K ey words: m ath m atical; dg d t ction; hum an fac ( LOG CannyM arr [ 1] ) 1 , ( M ath maticalM orphology) , [ 2 ] , [ 3] , ( , ) , ( SE) , , SE



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