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摘 要 随着现代人日益丰富的物质生活的充裕,人们对精神食粮的追求也越来越高。经过对书籍市场的调查,消费者对书刊的要求是简约有创意;尤其是书刊的整体设计要独到、精美、凸显书籍整体含义。而现代人物传记书籍的出版要经过三个环节,第一步是文字编辑室组稿、改稿,提供原料;第二步是由装帧设计室做出书籍的造型、色彩、纸张规划;第三步由出版部门组织书籍印刷生产。装帧设计在整个环节起到了承前启后的作用。因此,装帧设计是整个书刊设计的关键。人物传记属于精装书范畴,对书封的加工设计要根据加工的书籍的品级、书籍的内容、出版者的要求及工艺加工的可行性来决定设计方案。从原稿到装订加工完毕的全过程,书籍的印后处理是必不可少的一部分,它起着对书籍的修饰作用。 关键词:书籍;装帧;人物;传记 Abstract As people?increasingly rich?abundance?of material life,?the pursuit of?spiritual nourishment people?are increasingly high.?After?a survey?of?the book market, consumer?demand?for books?is?simple and?creative;?especially the?books?of?the overall design?to?the unique beautiful, highlighting?the overall?meaning of the?book.?The modern?biography?published books?to go through?three?aspects, the first step?is to?text?editing room?soliciting contributions,?change the?draft,?to provide raw materials;?second step is?to make?books from the?graphic design?room?shape, color, paper?planning;?the third step?from the published?book printing?production?sector organizations.?Graphic Design?in?the?past and the role?played a?part.?Therefore, the?binding and layout?design?is?the key to?the whole book.?Hardcover?books?are?biographies of?the scope of?the book?designed to?cover?the processing?of?grades?according to the processing?of books, book?content,?publisher?of the requirements and?processing technology?to determine?the feasibility of?the design.?From the?original?to the?binding?process?is completed?the whole process of?printing?books?is?an essential part of?post-processing,?it?plays a?role in?the modification?of the?books. Keywords: Books;?binding;?character;?biography 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 - 1 - 印前准备 - 2 - 1.1书籍的整体设计 - 2 - 1.2书籍书芯的设计 - 2 - 1.3书籍书壳的设计 - 2 - 1.4书籍套合的设计 - 2 - 1.4.1 涂中缝胶黏剂 - 2 - 1.4.2 套壳 - 2 - 1.4.3 压槽定型 - 3 - 1.4.4 扫衬 - 3 - 1.4.5 压平 - 3 - 1.5印前准备工作 - 3 - 第二章 装版试印 - 4 - 第三章 正式印刷 - 5 - 第四章 印后处理 - 6 - 第五章 封面及彩页特种印刷工艺 - 7 - 5.1覆膜 - 7 - 5.2 压纹 - 7 - 5.3模切 - 7 - 5.4 UV上光 - 7 - 5.5烫印 - 7 - 结 论 - 8 - 参考文献 - 9 - 致 谢 -


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