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毕业设计 WH联合站设计 学生姓名: 学 号专业班级:油气储运工程03-6班 指导教师: 2006年6月20日 摘 要 联合站的设计是以储运教研室下达的的任务书为依据完成的。该联合站东西350米,南北250米,年处理量为270万吨,采用密闭流程。 站外来油经三相分离器、加热炉、油气分离器、电脱水器、稳定塔等首先进行油、气、水的分离,再经外输泵和计量间等向外输送。站内气体直接送往气体处理厂进行处理。 站内划分为油罐区,污水处理区,工艺区,配电区,消防区,辅助生产区,设计时设计了有泵流程,同时也考虑了停电流程,即使故流程。 根据任务书所给的站处理量和各种设计参数,首先初步选择了各工艺段设备,接着确定了总平面布置和联合站的工艺流程。与此同时,完成了平面布置图和流程图,设计并画了泵房的管线安装图。 关键词:联合站;分离;生产流程;设备 ABSTRACT The design of WH Central Treating Station was complicated according to the assignment given by the Storage and Transportation Teaching and Researching Department. It is 250 meters long from north to south and 350meters wide from east to west. The treating capacity of the station is about 2,700, 000 tons per year. The central treating station treats well stream. Its main task is oil, gas and water separation. Gas, crude oil and water mixture flow into the central treating station. First, it goes into three phase separators, then goes through fluid jacket heaters, Two phase separators, electronic dehydrators, stabilization tower ,at last treated crude oil is pumped to the mineral terminal. The central treating station includes two main processes, they are tight flow process with and without pumps. In addition, the accidental process while power is off was considered. In the design, we considered the conditions given by the assignment; seclected and checked the equipments and pipelines.The design include three draws. keyword:central treating station;separate;process;equipment 目录 第一章 前言 1 第二章 联合站设计说明书 2 2.1 设计概述 2 2.2 联合站工艺系统概述 2 2.2.1 油气水混合物的收集 2 2.2.2 油、气、水的初步分离 3 2.2.3 原油脱水 3 2.2.4 原油稳定 3 2.3 站址选择和总平面布置 3 2.3.1 站址选择与平面布置概述 3 2.3.2 本联合站平面布置 4 2.4 流程及流程说明 4 2.4.1 工艺流程的设计要求 4 2.4.2 原油处理工艺简介 4 2.5 设备及管线的安装布置 5 2.5.1 进站阀组的安装 5 2.5.2 电脱水器的布置安装 5 2.5.3 管线安装综述 6 2.5.4 输油泵房的布置安装 6 第三章 联合站工艺计算 7 3.1 基础数据计算 7 3.1.1 设计规模 7 3.1.2 油气物性计算[1] 7 3.2 主要设备的选择 8 3.3 原油缓冲罐的计算 10 3.5 加热炉的选取 11 3.6 罐的选取[4] 12 3.7 外输泵的选取与校核 12 3.8 循环泵的选取 15 第四章 管线的选取与校核 17 4.1外来



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