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类号 UDC 单位代码 10642 密 级 学 号 ? 学士学位论文 ? ? 英语专业学生的学习策略 ? Learning Strategies among English Majors in CUAS 摘 要 学习策略包括在语言学习习得的运用的整个过程中某个特定阶段的心理和行为活动。因为学习策略能系统性的指导学习,所以对学习策略的研究在教育学中起着重要作用。本研究采用学习策略量表(SILL)对重庆文理学院外国语系英语专业大二以上的学生学习策略水平进行了初步的调查与探讨。调查结果表明:英语专业学生的学习策略总体水平还有待提高,而且学生对学习策略的理解和认识水平还不够科学和系统,仅停留在了解一些零碎的学习方法的水平上,对学习策略的运用也具有很强的偶然性。根据研究结果,本论文认为对英语专业学生学习策略的教学还有待加强,并从对学习策略教学和培养的探究来提出改进建议。 关键词:英语专业大学生;学习策略;学习策略教学 Abstract A language strategy consists of mental or behavioral activity related to some specific stage in the overall process of language acquisition or language use. And as learning strategies can systematically conduct learning, the research on it takes an important role in pedagogy. This study investigated the general level of learning strategies implemented by the English majors above the second-year in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (CUAS) with the Strategies Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). It was found that: First, the general strategy level of the English majors needs to be improved. Second, their knowledge about learning strategies is not systematic, which is just some isolated learning methods. Third, there is a contingency in their use of learning strategies. According to the result, it is advised that the training of learning strategies should be improved. Key words: English majors, learning strategies, learning strategies training Table of Contents 中文摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1 Introduction 1 2 Some Issues on Learning Strategies 1 2.1 Defining Learning Strategies 1 2.2 Classifying Learning Strategies 2 2.3 The Relationship between Strategy Use and Learning Proficiency 3 3 The Investigation on Learning Strategies among English Majors in CUAS 4 3.1 Subject 4 3.2 Instrument 4 3.3 Data Collection 5 3.4 Results and Analysis 6 3.4.1 Results 6 3.4.2 Analysis 8 4 Suggestions to Train Students’ Learning Strategies 9 5 Conclusion 10 Biblio


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