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目 录 摘要 3 英文摘要 4 一 引言 5 二 转化型抢劫罪的前提条件“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪” 6 (一)转化型抢劫罪的前提行为是否要达到犯罪程度 6 (二)盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪是否应包括以盗窃、诈骗、抢夺方法实施的其他违法犯罪 行为 9 三 转化型抢劫罪刑事责任年龄的认定 11 四 转化型抢劫罪中的时空条件“当场” 13 五 转化型抢劫罪中的实行过限问题 15 六 结论 16 七 致谢词 17 参考文献 18 论转化型抢劫罪司法认定的若干问题 摘要:我国现行刑法第269条规定了转化型抢劫罪,亦称准抢劫罪。它是指在盗窃、诈骗、抢夺的实施过程中或实施完毕后非法状态持续的一定期间内,由于行为人在主客观方面出现了特定的变化,使整个行为的性质恶化,从而在法律评价中要以抢劫罪论处的情形。我国刑法269条规定的转化型抢劫罪在司法适用中存在诸多的争议,对法条的不同理解导致了在定罪量刑上的巨大差异。文章结合《刑法》第269条对转化型抢劫罪的规定、有关司法解释和司法实践中的不同理解,对若干问题进行探讨,包括:成立转化型抢劫罪的前提条件、转化型抢劫罪的犯罪主体、客观方面、以及共同犯罪等的司法认定的问题。笔者将针对主次问题采用比较分析归纳的方法出以下结论:成立转化型抢劫罪的前提行为应达到犯罪程度,且需结合司法解释的有关规定综合判断;犯本罪的主体的刑事责任年龄的与普通抢劫罪一样;转化型抢劫罪中的时空条件“当场”应作广义上的理解;以及转化型抢劫罪的共同犯罪只承担谋议之罪的刑事责任,不对实施过限行为人所实施的过限犯罪行为承担刑事责任。 关键词:抢劫罪;转化型抢劫罪;当场;转化条件 On some issues of transformational robbery crime in its legal determination Abstract:This design adopts Microsoft ASP as main development tool, Access database as background database, synthetically use FrontPage, Photoshop, Flash and the IIS server etc. to implement the architecture and infrastructure of the mini-website by applying the software engineering method to the process of the whole systematic development. Some important information is encrypted by means of using MD5 encryption techniques that raises systematic security. The practical testing shows that the website satisfies the design requirement. Transformed Robbery, also called Quasi-robbery, is stipulated in the article 269 of Chinese current Penal Code. It means that some illegal offences, such as theft, fraud, seizure, deteriorate because of offenders subjective or objective performances within a certain period and that they shall be treated as robbery. After analyzing Transformed Robbery, This article makes a further understanding of the 269(superscript.th) term of the Criminal Law for the legislative concept, discusses its pre-transform and post-transform actions and the transformational subjective and objective conditions, in order to better master and cognize this type of crime in theory and judicatory practice. The the


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