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设计题目:神华宁夏煤业集团清水营煤矿十八号煤层开采设计 专 业:采矿工程 本 科 生:王红伟 (签名)___________ 指导老师:来兴平(教授) (签名)___________ 摘 要 本设计包括两个部分:设计部分、专题部分。 设计部分为清水营煤矿十八号煤层开采设计,该井田地质条件较为简单。井田地质资源储量1310.25Mt,可采储量747.81Mt,设计生产能力8.0Mt/a,服务年限66.8a。矿井瓦斯涌出量较低,为低瓦斯矿井。 矿井采用主斜井-副立井单水平上下山开拓。开凿有主斜井、副立井和11轨道上山,一号回风立井等4个井筒,开拓水平标高+825m水平。采用走向长壁综合机械化采煤方法,后退式回采,上下山煤炭采用胶带输送机运输,11轨道上山采用矿车轨道运输,副立井采用罐笼提升。矿井采用中央并列式通风系统,抽出式通风方式。 专题部分题目是长壁巷道对水平应力集中反映的研究过程。 关 键 词:综合机械化采煤法 后退式回采 服务年限 生产能力 通风 设计类型:以矿山开采设计为主体 Subject: Mining Design of Qingshuiying Number 18 Coal Seam, Shenhua, Ningxia Coal Induatry Group Co., Ltd Specialty: Mining Engineering Name: WangHongwei (singnature)___________ Instructor: LaiXingping (singnature)___________ Abstract This paper includes two parts, one is the design subject and the other is the special subject. The design part is about the exploitation design of 18 coal seam of Qingshuiying coal mine in Ningxia. The geological condition of coal mine is simple. The mine gas emission is lower, so it is identified gassy mine well. The workable mine reserves is 747.81Mt and the designed mine capbility is 8.0 Mt/a , so the mime serveice life is 66.8 years. The mine is developed by main inclined shaft-auxiliary vertical shaft in single mining level, inclued main inclined shaft、auxiliary vertical shaft、11 rail hill and number 11 bleeder shaft. The elevation of development level is +825 meter. The mine adopts the longwall retreating working and fully mechanized mining method. The coal of rise and dip is transported by extensible belt conveyor, the assistant conveying of auxiliary vertical shaft adopt cage haulage,the assistant conveying of 11 rail hill adopt trolley rail haulage. The mine apply centralized and exhaust ventilation in mine ventilation. The special subject is case history of the response of a longwall entry subjected to concentrated horizontal stress. Keywords: fully mechanized mining method serveice life production capacity ven


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