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摘要 多年以来,老百姓看病难、看病贵的就医现状一直是社会关注的焦点,除去药价虚高等社会因素,我国医疗信息化进程缓慢也是造成这一现象的原因之一。 电子健康档案中的个人健康信息包括基本信息、主要疾病和健康问题摘要、主要卫生服务记录等内容。健康档案信息主要来源于医疗卫生服务记录、健康体检记录和疾病调查记录,并将其进行数字化存储和管理。今后,居民的电子健康档案中还可增加健康评估、健康指导等功能,跟踪健康状况走势。    本系统通过建立健康档案来记录居民日常的生命体征以及自身所从事过的与健康相关的行为与事件。具体内容主要包括健康现状、既往病史、家族病史、电子病历、历次体检结果等。把患者的健康信息快速、方便的提供给医师作为治疗参考,提供治疗依据以及相关治疗效果。并且在每一次就诊期间进行及时的更新,能够完整的展示一位患者就诊、治疗、病情变化等一系列动态变化。并且2009年新标准规定的五类电子健康档案将会实行标准化,它们分别是:个人基本健康信息档案、疾病控制档案、妇幼保健档案、医疗服务档案、社区卫生档案。此标准化的实行,使我国的个人健康档案更加统一和规范化。统一电子健康档案的建立,实现医疗机构间的信息互联互通,健康信息共享,将切实解决群众看病就医问题。 关键词: 电子健康档案;门诊电子病历;患者疗效反馈;医药费用 Abstract Over the years, people see the doctor of your medical status quo has been the focus of attention, except to hold down prices and social factors such as the slow process of Chinas medical information is also caused by one of the reasons for this phenomenon. Personal health information in electronic health records, including the contents of the basic information on major diseases and health problems summary of the main health service records. Health record information from the records of medical and health services, health medical records and disease investigation records, and digital storage and management. In the future, electronic health records of residents also increase the health assessment, health guidance, tracking the trend of health status. The system through the establishment of health records to record the residents daily vital signs and itself engaged in health-related behavior and events. The specific content including health status, medical history, family history, electronic medical records, previous examination results. The patients health information to provide fast, convenient reference to the physician as a treatment for treatment in accordance with the relevant treatment. And timely updates during every doctor, be able to display a series of dynamic changes in a patient for treatment, treatment, his condition change. And standardize new standard specifies five types of electronic



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