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泰山职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 企业如何实现一体化增长 系 部: 财经系 专 业: 电子商务 学 号: 60600844065 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 二OO九年六月二十日 论文题目:企业如何实现一体化增长 中文摘要 企业与消费者(B2C)的电子商务的发展是随着WWW网的出现而迅速发展的,它属于电子商务的零售范围。企业对消费者的电子商务模式将会快速发展,并将最终在电子商务领域中占据重要地位。B2C型电子商务是直接面向消费者的电子商务模式,也是最为消费者熟悉和接触使用。目前虽然B2C电子商务的交易额在整个零售市场中所占比重很小,但其影响力和发展潜力是相当巨大的,进行网上购物的人数与日俱增,消费者对网上商店的信任备受关注。针对于网络零售而言,B2C 比C2C 更能保障消费者权益,提供更可靠产品及更专业的服务,在未来的电子商务发展中具有更多优势。中国的B2C在2008年进入了良性且快速的发展阶段,B2C企业越来越重视物流服务质量的提高。本文章将结合现实使用中的B2C电子商务模式,详细分析B2C电子商务模式的特点、功能和相关的传统营销和网络营销的情况。以及B2C电子商务最终对中国网络营销产生的影响和促使其改革的方向和措施。 B2C物流服务的质量给出了自己的见解。对于B2C企业而言,通过制定一个良好的战略,就能很好的实现一起化增长。 关键词: B2C,网络零售,电子商务,服务,物流 Abstract Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce development is the emergence of the Internet along with the rapid development of the World Wide Web. It belongs to the scope of the retail e-commerce. Business-to-consumer e-commerce model will be developed rapidly and will eventually occupy an important position in the area of electronic commerce. B2C e-commerce model is a direct consumer-oriented e-commerce; most consumers are familiar with and use contacts. Although B2C e-commerce transactions in the retail market share is very small, But its potential is enormous and development. With the Internet users increasing, the number of online shopping increasing, consumer confidence in online shops causes for concern. For the network in terms of retail, B2C is better than C2C on protecting the interests of consumers, providing more reliable products and professional services, the development of electronic commerce in the future with more advantages. B2C in China has entered a healthy and fast development stage at 2008. B2C enterprises increasing emphasize on quality of logistics service level. This article will take into account the actual use of the B2C e-commerce model; the model features a detailed analysis of B2C e-commerce,



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