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摘 要 自助型多功能床是一种针对危重病人和瘫痪病人的特殊需要而设计的能随意调节床的背部和脚部的角度。即使不能自理者,护理人员也可通过床边的控制器进行操作,减少照顾病、残患者的劳动强度。 The design of self-service model Multi-functional sickbed Student:WANG Zhi-bin Teacher:LIU Yu Abstract:The design of self-service model Multi-functional sickbed is designed for those critically ill patients and the special needs of paralyzed patients designed bed is able to adjust the angle of the back and feet. Even if we can not take care of themselves, the nursing staff can also be operated bedside controller to reduce the care of sick and disabled patients with the labor intensity. The basic structure and functional principles of multifunctional care-beds which are designed for those old patients who lack of governance of themselves and those patients who lack of the ability to control their mobility are elaborated in the essay. Much inconvenience in the course of nursing patient can be resolved by the care-beds which can help patients achieve sit up, bend knees, emancipated, eduction shit and eat. This in turn augments nursing service in our country and effectively promotes the development of the cause of our health care. The design has finished the options of programme, analysis of the principle, calculation of parts size and check of the strength security, as a result achieves the realization of normal operation to each device in the care-beds. Key words:Multi-function nursing bed; design; checking 目 次 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1 绪 论 1 1.1 设计的目的和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究状况及发展趋势1 绪 论 1.1 设计的目的和意义 自助型多功能医用床是针对生活不能自理的病人、危重病人和特殊需要而设计的,能随意调节床的背部和脚部的角度。即使不能自理者,护理人员也可通过床边的控制器进行操作,减少照顾病、残患者的劳动强度。随着社会经济的迅速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,人口寿命不断延长,思想的进步,城市人口正逐步进入老龄化人口老龄化已成为世界范围内的社会问题。设计一种用于医院重症病人用的多功能床,解决病人身体和生理方面的需要(、翻身等),也减轻护理人员的劳动强度。针对市场需求开发设计一种结构简单、工作可靠、使用方便的多功能床并进行,对于产品的产业化具有重要的意义。国内外研究状况及发展趋势1999年10月提前进入人口老龄化国家的行列。据报道,中国不仅是世界上老龄化人口绝对数最多的国家,而且也是世界上老龄化速度最快的国家之一。在2010年第六次人口普查当中,60岁及其以上老年人口已达1.77亿,占全国总人口的13.26%(其中65岁以上老年人口为1.18亿,占8.87%),并以年均3.32%的速度持续增长。更为突出的是,我国80岁以上老年人口已达1900万,并以年均5.4%的速度惊人递增。人口老龄


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