
医药公司:需求与指数化的关系 Relationship between demand and indexation.pdf

医药公司:需求与指数化的关系 Relationship between demand and indexation.pdf

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医药公司:需求与指数化的关系 Relationship between demand and indexation

Manuscrit auteur, publié dans Can. J. Inf. Lib. Sci., 2003 27, 2 (2003) European pharmaceutical journals: Relationship between demand and indexation - the example of the main French document supplier 1,2,3 2 2, Pascal Bador , Mohamed Ben Romdhane , Thierry Lafouge . 1Centre de Documentation Pharmaceutique ISPB-Faculté de Pharmacie - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 8, avenue Rockefeller F-69373 Lyon cedex 08 - France. 2Laboratoire Recodoc Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Bat 721 43, boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 F-69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France. 7 0 3Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed (e-mail : 0 2 l u J Summary 9 - 1 The purpose of the study was to analyse the way in which papers published by European n pharmaceutical journals are made available by the main French document supplier, “ Institut National de o i l’Information Scientifique et Technique ” linked to the “ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ” (INIST- s r e CNRS). v , After having given a definition and built up a sample of 289 journals, orders for them during 1996-1999 7 7 were analysed. Then, the possible relationships between orders to INIST-CNRS and the impact of journals on 0 the scientific community (from Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)


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