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PAGE PAGE 5 2007政府工作报告英译本分析 1. 词汇层面 中国特色词汇 “建设” “精神” “……好” 缩略语 1.1 中国特色词汇 政府工作的基本思路和任务是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面落实科学发展观,… The basic approach and tasks for the work of the government are: to take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide and fully implement the Scientific Outlook on Development;… 扩大基层民主,完善政务公开、厂务公开、村务公开等制度,保证人民依法直接行使民主权利。 We will expand democracy at the community level, improve the system for transparency in government, factory and village affairs, and ensure that people are able to directly exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law. 广播电视村村通工程由行政村向自然村延伸… The project to expand radio and television coverage in rural areas was extended from incorporated villages to unincorporated villages. 要优化进出口结构,转变外贸增长方式,努力缓解外贸顺差过大的矛盾。 We must optimize the mix of imports and exports, change the pattern of Chinas foreign trade growth and strive to reduce our excessively large trade surplus. ? improve? 这些成就,标志着我国综合国力进一步增强,我们朝着全面建设小康社会目标又迈出坚实的一步。 These achievements mark a further increase in Chinas overall strength and represent another solid step toward the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 1.2 “建设” 大力加强政风建设。 We will work vigorously to improve the government’s work style. …全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设,… … to promote all aspects of socialist economic, political, cultural and social development … …为全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化营造良好的外部环境。 … create a favorable external environment for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerating socialist modernization. … 加强农村卫生队伍建设,努力让广大农民享有安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务。 … step up the training of rural health care (service) workers in order to ensure that rural residents have access to safe, effective, convenient, and reasonably priced medical and health care services. 1.3 “精神” 社会主义精神文明建设继续加强。 Efforts to promote socialist cultural and ethical progress were strengthened. 今年要认真贯彻党的十六届六中全会精神,… This year, we must conscientiously foll


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