英语:Unit 1 Great Scientists 测试(三)(新人教版必修5).docVIP

英语:Unit 1 Great Scientists 测试(三)(新人教版必修5).doc

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英语:Unit 1 Great Scientists 测试(三)(新人教版必修5)

英语 三、Language study(语言学习) 1、词汇 A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词) 1. The bell rang, a________the end of the class. 2. The hurricane lasted a week,causing millions of d__________. 3. The new railway station under c___________will be completed by the end of the year. 4. It is Mary rather you who is to b_________for the accident. 5. Mary is advised to have her eyes e__________ without delay. 6. A_____________the conference is a great honour to him. 7. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under c_____________. 8. You must be very careful to h____________ such a complex case. 9. It is said that the a___________people have been separated from others. 10. Tom is so c____________ a driver as never causes accidents. C、用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。 1.The boy should have been punished for using an _______ name. 2. Eating too much sugar can________health problem. 3.The applicant was rather upset for being __________by the firm. 4.________being too big,the colour of the skirt doesn’t suit me either. 5.The suggestion ______at the meeting is under discussion. 6.The boy is always _____________excuses for being late. 7.The man left the office angrily,___________never to return. 8.A storm is likely to ________our city tomorrow. 9.A group of soldiers were _____________to keep order at the station. 10.As we get old,we can easily get _______________. 2、 语法 (过去分词作表语和定语) A) 完成句子翻译。 1. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。 The _________worker advised me to drink more ___________water. 2.他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。 The ____________look on his face suggested the trip __________for next month has been called off. 3. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔伤了右腿 To his mother’s great worry,I ________ _________in the right leg in the match yesterday. 4. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。 In the factory,the workers get ________ _______the piece. 5. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销 The science book ________ _______his father sells well. 6. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的 If the wound remained ___________,it will get ___________. 7. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。K^S*5U.C# The boy ___________ in the match was __________


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