2014高考英语二轮单项选择训练 (二).docVIP

2014高考英语二轮单项选择训练 (二).doc

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2014高考英语二轮单项选择训练 (二)

2014高? 单项选择 21.(·焦作期末调?研)As we all know, China? is a devel?oping? count?ry, _____?___ attra?cting? more and more forei?gners?. A. the one B. one C. it D. that [解析]句意:众所周知,中国是一个?发展中国家?,一个吸引了?越来越多外?国人的国家?。此处用 one 指代 count?ry 并作其同位?语。 [答案]B 22.(·合肥一检)The mediu?m belie?ves the price? of petro?l will rise by more than _____?___ two perce?nt. A. other? B. anoth?er C. any other? D. the other? [解析]句意:媒体认为汽?油价格还会?上升两个多?百分点。anoth?er+基数词+n.=基数词+more+n.又如:Well still? plant? anoth?er twent?y trees?/twent?y more trees?.我们还要再?种20棵树?。 [答案]B 23.(·南京市四校?联考)—You often? talk with your class?mate on the telep?hone or mobil?e phone?? —_____?___. I like using? QQ. A.None B.Eithe?r C.Any D.Neith?er [解析]neith?er 用于对两者?的全部否定?。 [答案]D 24.(·福州期末质?检)Child?ren, hold the bottl?e with your right? hand. Tommy?, you are not corre?ct. Pleas?e use your _____?___ hand. A. other? B. the other? C. anoth?er D. the anoth?er [解析]句意:孩子们,用右手握住?瓶子。Tommy?,你做的不对?。请用你的另?一只手。受“one... the other?...”的影响,本题易错选?B项;因为有 your 的存在,不可能在 your 的后面再加?冠词,故B项不对?;C项指“三个或三个?以上另一个?”,不合语境;D项形式不?对,故选A项。 [答案]A 25.(·宁波八校联?考)The numbe?r 2008 is a speci?al numbe?r, _____?___ I think?, that will be remem?bered? by the Chine?se forev?er. A. which? B. what C. one D. it [解析]句意:2008是?一个特别的?数字,一个我认为?将会被中国?人永远记住?的数字。分析结构可?知,此处用 one 作 numbe?r 的同位语,that 引导定语从?句修饰 one。 [答案]C 26.(·厦门期末质?检)_____?___ with any commo?n sense? can tell the diffe?rence? betwe?en the two. A. Who B. Whoev?er C. Anyon?e D. That [解析]句意:任何有常识?的人都能区?分这两个。_____?___ with any commo?n sense? 作句子主语?,A、B、D三项是主?语从句的引?导词,故只有 anyon?e 正确。 [答案]C 27.(·湖南师大附?中高三月考?)I was told that my fathe?r had e-maile?d me the other? day, but I didnt recei?ve _____?___. A. it B. one C. anyth?ing D. nothi?ng [解析]句意:我被告知我?父亲前几天?给我发邮件?了,但我什么也?没收到。not anyth?ing=nothi?ng“什么也没有?”,符合语境。 [答案]C 28.(·上海八校高?三联合调研?)The previ?ous lectu?re focus?ed on the readi?ng probl?ems in new words?, while? this lectu?re will turn to _____?___ in compl?ex sente?nce struc?tures?. A. that B. one C. those?


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