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經營管理論叢 第一屆管理與決策2005 年學術研討會特刊 第 165-176 頁 醫院手術房之整合以提升其使用率 Operating Room Combination for Effective Utilization 1 2 3 4 蔣安國 蔣安仁 楊克平 郭榮煌 摘要 在有限醫療服務資源的環境以及同業競爭的壓力下,醫院管理者開始重視成本的控 制,並且尋求提升營收的方法。手術房是醫院裡醫療資源最密集的地方,也是病人在醫 院移動的瓶頸,但是,手術的收入是醫院重要的營收來源。若能有效管理手術房,不但 能降低成本,也可以提高營收。要有效管理手術房,就要尋求提升手術房有效利用率的 方法。本研究應用數學規劃方法,整合不同部門之使用率不高的手術房,規劃開放適當 的手術房數量,並提供手術排程結果,讓排程週期內所安排的各項手術之總手術時間, 盡可能吻合手術房的總開放時間,以達到提升醫院手術房有效利用率的目標。透過跨部 門整合,開放適當的手術房數量,讓不同部門能共用手術房,避免資源浪費,以減少手 術房閒置的情形,其結果不但能降低醫療成本,也提高醫院手術房的使用率。 關鍵字:醫院管理、手術房、整合、數學規劃、使用率 Abstract Under the limited medical care resource and severe competition among the hospitals, the administrator begins to pay attention to cost reduction for a hospital management and look for a method that can increase the hospital’s revenue. The most intensive department of medical care resource is operating room in the hospital. Because it is very expensive to run the operating room in a normal course and the operating room is a bottleneck for moving inpatients during their staying in the hospital. Moreover, the operating room income is also considered an important source of the hospital revenue. So, an effective operating room management is necessary. This paper attempts to combine the operating rooms among different departments using mathematic programming. The objective of mathematic programming is set to minimize the amounts of operating room which is necessary to open, and minimize the difference between the total operation time and open time per day. At the same time, it can also derive the optimal amounts of operating room and derive the operating scheduling quickly. In other words, the appropriate operating room combinatio



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