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主成分分析的应用 摘 要 本文运用主成分分析法对黑龙江省庆安县农业可持续发展能力水平进行 分析。主成分分析法是将多个指标化为少数几个综合指标的一种统计分析方法, 是考察多个定量(数值)变量间相关性的一种多元统计方法。它计算出来的综合指 标不仅保留了原始变量的主要信息而且彼此间又不相关,比原始变量具有某些更优 越的性质。 目前,农业增长在很大程度上依赖资源的高消耗来实现,致使资源约束矛盾日 趋突出。因此对农业可持续发展能力的分析变得非常重要。 本文仅针对黑龙江省庆安县进行农业可持续发展能力的分析,庆安县是 个农业大县,在谋求经济快速发展的同时,走农业可持续发展道路是刻不容 缓的必然选择。文中建立了经济、生态、社会三个子系统,选定了 14 个指标, 分析了农业可持续发展的总趋势及三个子系统的发展趋势,采用SPSS软件进 行数据计算,选择累积贡献率大于85%的指标为主成分。最后得到各年的综合得 分及名次,以评价其农业可持续发展水平,这将为进一步研究打下良好的基 础。 关键词:主成分,累计贡献率,农业,可持续发展 I 主成分分析的应用 Abstract This paper analyzes the sustainable ability of agricultural development for Qingan County, Heilongjiang Province using principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA is statistical analysis method that combining a few indicators into composite indicators, also it is used to examining correlation between variables number of quantitative (numerical). A Composite indicators calculated by PCA retain not only the main information of original variables but also they are not relative to each other, has some superior feature than the original variable. Currently, agricultural growth is largely dependent on high consumption of resources, resulting in resource constraints facing increasingly. Therefore the analysis of agricultural sustainable development has become very important. The sustainable ability analysis of agricultural development In This paper talking about is only for Qingan County in Heilongjiang Province .For Qingan County, large agricultural county, taking the road of sustainable development of agriculture is imperative inevitable choice in the rapid


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