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唐律「得古今之平」再辨 馬海峰* 摘要 長久以來,「論者謂唐律一准乎禮以為出入,得古今之平」被 認為乃《四庫提要》所發。事實上,「一准乎禮以為出入」源於 《明史.刑法志》;「得古今之平」乃柳贇之評判。在這當中, 「今」指元代。通過比較可以發現,「古」可以上延三代,「今」 可下及於清。唐律之「平」主要表現在罪名簡當,刑罰寬平。究其 原因,與李唐王朝統治者的胡族血統、開放包容胸襟、寬仁之精神 密切相關。 關鍵字:四庫提要、柳贇、寬平、古今 * 深圳大學法學院講師 唐律「得古今之平」再辨 233 Rediscussion on the comment that “Tang Code was the most balanced one in the history” Ma Hai-feng Abstract It has long been remarked that the remark that “scholars argued that Tang Code defined crime thoroughly according to proprieties, and it was the most balanced code in the history” has been accredited to the Abstracts of Imperial Collection of Four. As a matter of fact, the former part of this comment originates from the Treatise on penal law of The History of the Ming Dynasty; and the latter from Liu Yun. Furthermore, the “modern” means the Yuan dynasty. Through a comparative study, it can be inferred that the “ancient” may trace back to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, while the “modern” to the Qing dynasty. The “balance” of the Tang Code is mainly about its qualities of conciseness of criminal charges and magnanimity of penalty. In terms of the causes accounting for this phenomenon, they go hand in hand with its rulers’ foreign blood, open and tolerant policy and lenient spirit. Keywords: Tang Code, Abstracts of Imperial Collection of Four , Liu Yun, Magnanimity, The ancient and modern 206 《法制史研究》第二十五期 壹、引言 「唐律一准乎禮以爲出入得古今之平」,這一有關唐律的經典評 價,由於載於《四庫全書提要》,故而不少學者認爲其出自提要。 1 在此基礎上,學界賢達,多有撰文,深析其義,闡釋其理。在諸多論 者當中,蘇亦工教授和張中秋教授的研究頗值得注意。蘇教授於2006 和2008年發表的兩篇論文,2詳細說明瞭所准之禮,以及「古今」起 止,並兼及《四庫全書提要》的價值觀。其文發前人所未發,於平常 處發現不平常的問題,讓人耳目一新;張教授則從立法、制度和技術 三個方面探討了唐律爲何能得古今之平。3雖如此,若考之史實,



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