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摘 要 现在这个时代已经到了不用相机,照样能够创作出艺术作品的时代,艺术摄影如何能够利用数码技术和因特网以及摄影本体的语言来不断进行创作,并能产生有力量的作品,是当代艺术家所面临的重要使命,因此如何能够寻找到各种崭新的观念和方法来重新确定摄影与现实之间的关系,从而重新界定摄影的含义,这也是摄影艺术家们的使命。 佩内洛普·昂布里科是世界著名的专题摄影大师,在专题摄影的发展过程中起到了举足轻重的作用,创作了多个摄影专题,其中许多成为了专题摄影发展史上的经典之作。佩内洛普·昂布里科的摄影作品有着丰富的内涵以及鲜明的人物性格特征,他用独特的摄影风格和能触及人们灵魂的影像,感染和触动着观众的心灵。本文从佩内洛普·昂布里科专题摄影创作的角度出发,深入研究其作品的视觉表现手法及其情感传达的力量。本文分为四个部分,一,介绍佩内洛普·昂布里科的艺术作品;二,分析了专题摄影的概念,和专题摄影在国内外的发展脉络。三,针对佩内洛普·昂布里科的抽象摄影作品从艺术层面对其进行深刻分析;四,以佩内洛普·昂布里科的抽象摄影作品为研究对象,从情感表达的角度分析专题摄影创作的内涵呈现;五,分析影响佩内洛普·昂布里科的成就的因素。 论文以佩内洛普·昂布里科抽象摄影作品的视觉体现和情感体现为研究对象,以佩内洛普·昂布里科的抽象摄影作品为载体。通过分析专题摄影的发展脉络、佩内洛普·昂布里科的艺术成就及其作品的视觉与情感的表现方式,深入研究专题摄影的视觉表现手法及其情感传达方式,挖掘专题摄影的艺术特性及优势,为抽象摄影的发展和研究提供参考。 关键词:佩内洛普·昂布里科,视知觉, 图形,形式 ABSTRACT Now this time has come to do the camera, still able to create era works of art, how art photography can use the language of digital technology and the Internet as well as photography body to constantly be creative, and can produce powerful works of contemporary artists faced important mission, so how can we find all kinds of new ideas and methods to redefine the relationship between photography and reality, thus redefining the meaning of photography, which is also the mission of photographic artists. Penelope Umbrico is a world famous photographer themes, played a pivotal role in the development of thematic photography, the creation of a number of photographic topics, many of which became a classic in the history of photography topics. Penelope Umbrico photography is rich in content and distinctive personality traits, he used a unique style of photography and imaging the human soul can reach, infection, and touched the hearts of the audience. This article from Penelope Umbrico thematic photography perspective, in-depth study of visual expression means to convey their emotional power of his work. This paper is divided into four parts, one introduces Penelope Umbrico works of art; Second, the analysis of the concept of thematic photography and feature photography in th


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