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Study on the Machin ing Distortion of Thin2walled Part Ca used by Redistribution of Residual Stress WAN G Zhao2jun , CH EN Wu2yi , ZHAN G Yi2du , CH EN Zhi2to ng , L IU Qiang ( S chool of M echa nical En gi nee ri n g a n d A u tom at ion , B ei j i n g U ni ve rsi t y of A e ron a u t ics 10 008 3 , Chi n a) a n d A st ron a u t ics , B ei j i n g Abstract : In order to reduce t he weight of airplane and increase it s mechanical behaviors , more and more large integrated part s are applied in modern aviatio n indust ry. When machining t hin2walled aero2 plane part s , more t han 90 % of t he materials would be removed , resulting in severe distortio n of t he part s due to t he weakened rigidit y and t he release of residual st ress. This might also lead to st ress co n2 cent ratio n and damage of t he part s. The effect of material removal f ro m residually st ressed billet is simu2 lated using F EA sof t ware MSC. Marc and t he causatio ns of distortio n is analyzed. To verify t he finite el2 ement simulatio n , a high speed milling test o n aluminum alloy 7050 T7351 is carried out . The result s show t hat t he simulatio n result is co nsistent wit h t he experimental o ne. It is co ncluded t hat t he release of residual st ress is t he main cause of machining distortio n. Key words : finite element met hod ; simulatio n ; residual st ress ; machining distortio n 残余应力重分布引起的薄壁零件加工变形研究 . 王兆峻 ,陈五一 ,张以都 ,陈志同 ,刘强. 中国航空 学报 (英文版) , 2005 , 17 (2) : 175 - 179 . 摘 要 :现代航空工业中为减轻飞机重量 ,提高飞机的各项机械性能 ,整体构件越来越多地被使 用 。加工大型整体薄壁构件时 ,有 90 %以上的材料被切削加工去除 ,由于材料去除后零件刚度的 降低以及应力的释放 ,造成过大的加工变形 。本文用 MSC. Marc 有限元软件仿真了铝合金预拉伸 板材料去除对于加工变形的影响 ,并分析了加工变形的成因 。为验证有限元结果的正确性 ,在高 速数控铣床上加工了同样的试件 。结果表明仿真结果与实验结果一致 ,残余应力的释放与重分布 是薄壁零件加工变形的主要原因 。 关键词 :有限元法 ; 仿真 ; 残余应力 ; 加工变形 中图分类号 : V214 . 4 + 1 文章编号 : 100029361 (2005) 0220175205 文献标识码 :A Mo der n aviatio n is developing towards high speed and heavy load. A lot of t hin2walled aero2 plane co mpo nent s , machined f ro m


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