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段落翻译练习 E-C

段落翻译练习 From English to Chinese 1. The British may have long been a nation of shopkeepers but they are coming late to the business tourism.For the past century they have done the touring while their own hotels have slumbered in atmosphere and are inefficiency and even the pubs have closed before eleven. Now,somewhat to their bewilderment,they are having to act as hosts to a vast throng of guests,who,with dollars,francs and marks in their pockets and handbag,are the most successful invaders since the Normans and considerably more welcome. They come to enjoy the antique and traditional but are often less enchanted by the accommodation and catering,which may share the antiquity. At last,even the surprised tourist industry is beginning to open its eyes.Unfortunately it sees only insoluble problems. 参考译文:英国人可能早已精通生意,但其旅游业的开发却很迟。一个世纪来,是他们自己在旅游观光,而他们自家的旅馆却心安理得地躺着睡大觉,效率极低,甚至酒吧也在11点钟以前关门。如今,有点令他们迷惑不解的是,他们正在被迫接待大批的客人,这些客人口袋和手提包里装着美元、法郎和马克,是继诺曼人征服英国以来最成功的入侵者,而且要更受欢迎得多。这些人为欣赏古迹与传统习俗而来,对于这里的食宿,却往往不那么着迷,尽管这样的食宿可能带有古老的风味。终于,感到惊讶的旅游业开始觉醒了。不幸的是,它所看到的只是一些无法解决的问题。 The British may have long been a nation of shopkeepers but they are coming late to the business tourism. 英国人可能早已精通生意,但其旅游业的开发却很迟。 shopkeeper?[’??p,ki:p?]n.店主 For the past century they have done the touring while their own hotels have slumbered in atmosphere and are inefficiency and even the pubs have closed before eleven. tour?[tu?]vt. vi.旅行, 游历 slumber [’sl?mb?]vi.睡眠; 安眠 atmosphere [’?tm?sfi?]n.大气,空气 inefficiency?[,ini’fi??nsi]n.无效率,无能 pub [p?b]n.酒店, 酒馆 一个世纪来,是他们自己在旅游观光,而他们自家的旅馆却心安理得地躺着睡大觉,效率极低,甚至酒吧也在11点钟以前关门。 Now,somewhat to their bewilderment,they are having to act as hosts to a vast throng of guests,who,with dollars,francs and marks in their pockets and handbag,are the most successful invaders since the Normans and considerably more welcome. (定从1) somewhat? [’s?mhw?t]adv. 稍微, 有点, 达到某种程度 bewilderment?[bi’wild?m?nt]n. 迷惘; 困惑; 迷乱 throng? [θr??]n. 人群 invader? ?[in’veid?]n. 侵略者 considerably? [k?n’sid?r?b?li] adv.相当地 如


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