
Cleaner Coal in China资料.pdf

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I N T E R N A T I O N A L E N E R G Y A G E N C Y Please note that this PDF is subject to specific restrictions that limit its use and distribution. The terms and conditions are available online at /about/ copyright.asp Cleaner Coal in China Cleaner Coal in China China’s rapid economic growth has aroused intense interest around the world. Policy makers, industrialists, investors, environmentalists, researchers and others want to better understand the issues that this populous nation faces as it further develops an already thriving economy largely fuelled by coal. This study sheds light on the Chinese coal supply and transformation sectors. China’s coal, mined locally and available at a relatively low cost, has brought enormous benefits to energy consumers in China and to those outside the country who enjoy the products of its coal-based economy. Yet from another perspective, China’s coal use has a high cost. Despite progress, health and safety in the thousands of small coal mines lag far behind the standards achieved in China’s modern, large mines. Environmental degradation is a real and pressing problem at all stages of coal production, supply and use. Adding to these burdens, em


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