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毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 设计(论文)题目: 鄞州区姜山镇井亭新村建设项目一期 21#楼施工招标文件 学 院 名 称: 建筑工程学院 专 业: 工程管理 班 级: 工管082 学 生 姓 名: 杨小波 学号: 08404130214 指 导 教 师: 金峰 职称: 高级工程师 定稿日期:2012年2月15日 外文原文1: Incentives and Award Procedures: Competitive Tendering vs. Negotiations in Procurement Steven Tadelis Patrick Bajari University of California Berkeley University of Michigan Haas School of Business Department of Economics January, 2006 Abstract Should the buyer of a customized good use competitive bidding or negotiation to select a contractor? To shed light on this question, we a framework that ?rst describes the buyer’s choice of contracts, and then links this choice to the selection of competitive tendering or negotiations. The analysis suggests a number of possible limitations to the use of competitive tendering. These may perform poorly when projects are complex, contractual design is incomplete and there are few available bidders. Furthermore, competitive tendering may sti?e communication between buyers and sellers, preventing the buyer from utilizing the contractor’s expertise when designing the project. Implications of these results for procurement in the private and public sector are discussed. 1 Introduction Manufactured goods, such as computers, TVs and automobiles are mass produced, have standardized characteristics and are typically purchased at list price. Other goods, such as new buildings, fighter jets, custom software or consulting services are tailored to?t a procurer’s specific and often unique needs. To procure these customized goods,the procurer hires a contractor who supplies the good according to a set of desire


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