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Ch6 Financial Reports Financial reports are the end result of the financial accounting process. financial position / results of operating ?balance sheet ?income statement ?statement of cash flow ?statement of changes in owners equity Balance sheet Balance sheet 流动资产: ?货币资金 ?交易性金融资产 ?应收票据 ?应收账款 ?预付款项 ?应收利息 ?应收股利 ?其他应收款 ?存货 ?一年内到期的非流动资产 ?其他流动资产 流动资产合计 Current asset: ?Cash and cash equivalents ? trading financial assets ?Notes receivable ?Accounts receivable ?prepayment ?Interest receivable ?Dividends receivable ?Other receivables ?inventory ?current maturity of non-current assets ?Other current assets Total of current assets 非流动资产: ?可供出售金融资产 ?持有至到期投资 ?长期应收款 ?长期股权投资 ?投资性房地产 ?固定资产 ?在建工程 ?工程物资 ?固定资产清理 ?生产性生物资产 ?油气资产 ?无形资产 ?开发支出 ?商誉 ?长期待摊费用 ?递延所得税资产 ?其他非流动资产 非流动资产合计 Non-current assets: Financial assets available for sale held-to-maturity investments long-term receivables long-term equity investments Investment Property Fixed assets Construction-in-progress Project material Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Intangible assets development expenditure goodwill Long-term deferred expenses Deferred income tax asset Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 流动负债: ?短期借款 ? 交易性金融负债 ?应付票据 ?应付账款 ?预收款项 ? 应付职工薪酬 ?应交税费 ?应付利息 ?应付股利 ?其他应付款 ? 一年内到期的非流动负债 ?其他流动负债 流动负债合计: Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings Trading financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable Accounts received in advance Payroll payable Tax and due payable Interest payable Dividends payable Other payables Current maturity of non-current liabilities Other current liabilities Total of current liabilities 非流动负债: ?长期借款 ?应付债券 ?长期应付款 ?专项应付款 ?预计负债 ? 递延所得税负债 ? 其他非流动负债 非流动负债合计 Non-current liabilities Lon