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您好,以下是贵公司办理外商代表处所需流程、材料清单及费用明细: 一、办理流程 Registration process: 二、外商代表处设立所需材料: Materials required for the establishment of foreign representative offices: 委托书原件(我公司准备需客户签章); original power of attorney ,(we can provide, Need customer’s signature) 委派书原件(我公司准备需客户签章); original appoint certificate (we can provide, Need customer’s signature) 申请书(我公司准备需客户签章); Application letter, (we can provide, Need customer’s signature) 申请表格(我公司准备需客户签章); Application Form (we can provide, Need customer’s signature) 房产证复印件一式两份(需权利人签章); Copy documents in duplicate of House Property certificate (house-owner signature) 房产权利人身份证明复印件(公司需加盖公章); ID copy of house-owner (If company, need stamped) 租赁合同原件一式两份(如权利人或承租人是境外人需办理租赁合同备案); Original documents in duplicate of lease contract (foreigner should put on records for lease contract) 首席代表简历及一寸彩照两张; Resume for Chief Representative and two one inch photographs (color) 首席代表身份证明复印件 ID copy of Chief Representative 开业证明公证认证书原件; Original opening certificate notarization 11、资信证明原件; Original credibility certificate 12、首代如是大陆人需同上海外服机构签订劳务合同; If the chief representative belong to main land of China, should sign personal services contact with Shanghai Foreign Service Company. 三、费用明系:(details of the charge): 1、登记证(register certificate):600元 2、代码证(Code certificate): 148元 3、外汇账户(Foreign Currency Account):500元 4、刻章(seal):300元 5、翻译(interpret):100元/页 100/page 6、税务登记证(Taxation registration certificate):20元 7、统计证(Statistical certificate):20元 8、我司服务费用:5000元 必威体育精装版税率: 营业税(经费):5% 企业所得税(经费):25% 个人所得税:首代必须要做(4800元以上交20%) 附加税(河道修缮费):营业税税金的1%。 Latest tax rate: sales tax (provision): 5% Corporate income tax (provision): 25% Personal income tax: chief representative have to do (over 4,800 RMB should pay 20%) Surtax (river restoration fee): 1% of sales tax. 专业、优质、高效的服务支持,诚信可靠的合作伙伴。


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