
辽师英语专业基础英语05 06年考研题翻译答案.doc

辽师英语专业基础英语05 06年考研题翻译答案.doc

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辽师英语专业基础英语05 06年考研题翻译答案

用拆字先生的办法,望文生义,家最初显然和猪圈有关,而家的发展,当然是让它越来越不像猪圈。不过,我并不喜欢那些一尘不染的家庭。清洁过了头,家反而不像家。家是给人住的,因此,我想一切都应该以让人不感到别扭为度。过分用心了,人便成了家的奴隶,整天替家当保姆,不值得。一个让人羡慕的家庭布置,都应该是以能促进家庭成员彼此之间的健康和谐为基本前提。一个好的家居,要充满人情味,太干净,太讲究,人情味必打折扣。有的人的家庭,喜欢收拾得仅供外宾参观似的,结果,作为家庭的主人,自己也成了无所适从的客人。 If we analyze the word and take it literally,” home” originally, has something to do with the pigsty apparently. Certainly, with its development, a home becomes more and more unlike a pigsty. However, I do not like those spotless houses, for Excessive cleanliness spoils a home. Home is where people live, so everything inside it should make people feel comfortable. If they pay much attention to the cleanliness of house, they will be a slaver of home. And it’s not worth being total housemaid. An admirable domestic setting should at the premise of strengthening the healthy and harmonious relationship among family members. A favorable home should be human friendly and too much detail-picking will lessen its glamour. Some people like to keep their house tidy as if only for foreign visitors. Ironically, as a result, the home owners also become uneasy guests. 杨柳青青江水平, Between the willows green the river flows along, 闻郎江上唱歌声。 My beloved in a boat is heard singing a song. 东边日出西边雨, The west is veiled in rain, the east basks in sunshine, 道是无晴还有晴。 My beloved is as deep in love as the day is fine. The most intensive(强烈的) study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello,where it is impossible to avoid them.Torcello is a minute island in the Venetian lagoon(泻湖);here among vineyards and wild flowers,some thirty cottages surround a great cathedral(大教堂) which was being built when William the Conqueror came to England. 我所做过的关于游客的最透彻的研究是在Torcello完成的,在那里你根本没法避开他们。Torcello是威尼斯泻湖上一个很小的岛屿:这里的葡萄园和野花间散布了大概三十间村舍,环绕着建立于征服者威廉到达英国时期的一座大教堂。 A canal and a path lead from the lagoon to the village;the vineyards are intersected (分隔的)by canals ;red and yellow sails (帆船)glide slowly through the vines.Bells from the campanile (钟塔)ring out reproaches three time a


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