
异性恋霸权主义之暴 The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies 2.pptx

异性恋霸权主义之暴 The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies 2.pptx

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异性恋霸权主义之暴 The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies 2

The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies: Notes on Injury, Healing, and Queer World-MakingBy 王思如 罗文婷 杨笑漫Structure The Study of Sexuality in Communication StudiesInjury: the Violence of HeteronormativityHealing: Unpacking Heteronormativity, Critiquing HeteropatriarchyQueer World-Making: the Promise and Challenges of Queer TheoryConcluding RemarksWhat is heteronormativity?When the view is that institutionalized heterosexuality constitutes the standard for legitimate, authentic, prescriptive, and ruling social, cultural and arrangements, it becomes heteronormativity(p.13).Injury: the Violence of Heteronormativity Othering and Marginalization Power of an Invisible CenterNormalization Normalization is a symbolically, discursively, psychologically, and materially violent form of social regulation and control. Heteronormativity, as the invisible center and presumed bedrock of society, creates, sustains, and perpetuates the erasure, marginalization, disempowerment, and oppression of sexual others(p.18).Violence on Women Inside the Heteronormative BordersCompulsory heteronormativity creates the conditions by which it never occurs to many women to be anything else but heterosexual, and channels those women into marriage and motherhood in the service of man. Heterosexual women suffer from physical and emotional exhaustion to violence and diminished mental health(p.19).Violence on Men Inside the Heteronormative Borders Heterosexuality constitute men as “real” men.(p.20)Heterosexual men are compelled into a lifelong labor of “proving” their manhood and concealing if not banishing, a range of sexual possibilities, gender performances, and pleasures(p.21).Violence on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Queer People Discursive Violence Interior Soul Murder Internalized Homophobia collective IndividualExternalized Homophobia Hate crime Institutional ViolenceExterior Violence on Individuals at the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and SexualityPeople



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