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四、环境与动物保护when the killing stops, the buying can, too.动物本质动物,作为生态系统的一个重要部分,对生态系统的持久和人类的安定有深远的影响。所有动物都是由食物链构成的。因此,一个物种的死亡就会导致另一个物种的人口过度或者人口不足,然后把这个物种置于灭绝的边缘。更重要的是,自然平衡就会被打破,生态系统无法持续Animals, as a significant part of an ecosystem, have profound impacts on the sustainability of an ecosystem and the wellbeing of humanity. All animals are connected in one way or another in food chains. For this reason, the death of a species can lead to overpopulation or under population of another species and then put this species at the verge of extinction. The natural balance will be disrupted and the ecosystem cannot be sustained.保护动物的意义人类可以从动物身上获得灵感draw on animal-based research for inspiration,radar was invented according to the physical advantage of the bats;动物有生存的权利,应该维护动物的权益animal welfare 动物是我们忠实的朋友。Animals are our loyal friends, who havefacilitated our life a great deal. For example….Therefore, our life will be less convenient and monotonous without the company of the animals.动物实验:不是所有的动物都会在实验中被杀死。而是,大部分动物都会被释放。除此之外,和自然死亡率相比,在实验中死去的动物几乎可以忽略不计。另一方面,大部分动物被用来测试药物看看他们是否有副作用。这种实验并不仅仅是为了人类自己的利益,还为了动物的利益。比如,一些药物发现可以被兽医使用来给生病的动物做药物治疗。如果我们不借助于动物,可能导致没有实验没有其他替代品。结果就是,许多有效的药物不能被检验,引进.not all the animals are doomed to be killed. Rather, the majority would be set free. In addition, compared with the natural death rate, animals dead in the experiment would be virtually neglected. On the other hand, most animals are used to test the medicines to see whether they have some side effects. The experiments are not only for men’s own interests but also for the benefits of animals. For instance, some medical discoveries can be used by veterinary surgeons to give medical care and treatment to sick animals. Without the animals for test, there could not be other substitutes so that many of the effective medicines are unlikely to be examined and introduced我们都知道,在人体上做活体解剖是残忍的。而动物有这个和人类相似的器官,可以对外界的干扰产生相似的回应。另外,动物没有人类的神经丰富,而且在实验中,实验者通常会最小化疼痛,来减轻遭罪。因此,他们被认为是最好的实验替代品We all know, it is inhumane to practice vivi



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