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用爱来对抗恐惧的4种强有力的方式4 Powerful Ways to Let Love Fight Fear用爱来对抗恐惧的4种强有力的方式1. Let it in1.面对一切First, you have to be willing to let others get to you. Let them know that you are a safe person to come to and that they will always be welcomed without fear of judgment. By giving them this safety, you will get so much more in return.?首先你需要愿意让其他人接近你。让他们知道你是一个可以安全交往的人,而且他们一直不害怕评判地受欢迎。通过给予他们这种安全感,你也会得到更多安全感的回报。2. Do not deny it2.不要否认恐惧One of the biggest mistakes you can make with love is denying that you feel it. Embrace the warm and fuzzy feelings that you feel and acknowledge them instead of pushing them away. When you are in denial, your fear keeps growing, lowering your chance of finding your soulmate.你在处理爱的时候,犯的最大的错误纸质就是否认你对爱的感觉。拥抱这种你感受到的温暖舒适的感觉,承认这种爱,而不是推开爱。当你否定爱的时候,你的恐惧就会持续上升,降低你找到心灵伴侣的机会。3. Face your fears3.直面你的恐惧The most effective way to get over a fear is to take it head on so identify what exactly it is that scares you about love. Is it abandonment? Rejection? Vulnerability? Why do you have those fears? Is there something in your past that you need to deal with that is causing them? If so, that is not something to be ashamed of. We all have issues that need to be addressed, so be truthful with yourself and work to deal with the root of your fears.克服恐惧的最有效的方式就是直面恐惧,确定让你真正害怕爱的原因。是抛弃吗?拒绝?脆弱?为什么你有这些恐惧?你需要处理造成恐惧的过去的某种经历吗?如果是这样的,没有什么感到羞愧的。我们都有一些需要处理的问题,所以要对自己真诚,努力去处理你恐惧的根源。4. Give more than you get4.付出比得到更多一些So many times we get caught up in what we can get out of something instead of asking ourselves what we can give others. Showing love to others through charities or serving is a great way to not only give yourself away but to also get love in return. You will never feel as loved as you do when you have given your time and energy to those in need.我们有太多时候是在努力抓住我们可以从某种事物中得到什么,而不是问我们自己能给其他人什么。通过慈善或者志愿者来表达你对他人的爱,是一种自我付出,也是一种得到爱的回报的非常好的方法。当你对那些需要帮助的人,付出了自己的时间和精力的时候,你永远不会感觉和自己一样被爱。--------------------1.fuzzy模糊的;失真的;有绒毛的To start, almost every fuzzy yellow patch in the above image


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