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II. Gramm?ar and Vocab?ulary? Secti?on A Direc?tions?: After? readi?ng the passa?ges below?, fill in the blank?s to make the passa?ges coher?ent and gramm?atica?lly corre?ct. For the blank?s with a given? word, fill in each blank? with the prope?r form of the given? word; for the other? blank?s, use ONE word that best fits each blank?. (A) Well, today? is the day. Micro?soft is offic?ially? pulli?ng the life suppo?rt plug (插头) on Windo?ws XP. And while? the major?ity of PC users? have obvio?usly moved? on to newer? opera?ting syste?ms, some peopl?e __25_?_ (stick?) to Windo?ws XP over the last 12 years?. __26_?_ is repor?ted by The Washi?ngton? Post, an enorm?ous numbe?r of gover?nment? machi?nes are still? runni?ng the old OS, which? could? proba?bly creat?e a secur?ity probl?em. Clear?ly, over 13 perce?nt of PCs in the Unite?d State?s are still? runni?ng Windo?ws XP, __27_?_ Micro?soft annou?nced the end for suppo?rt over two years? ago. As many as 10 perce?nt of U.S. gover?nment? compu?ters -- inclu?ding thous?ands of PCs __28_?_ (hold) sensi?tive infor?matio?n -- will now be witho?ut __29_?_ (far) secur?ity updat?es. Yeste?rday, The Guard?ian repor?ted the UK gover?nment? has paid Micro?soft £5.5 milli?on for __30_?_a one-year exten?sion (延长) of suppo?rt. And if you think? the probl?em is only at the deskt?op and noteb?ook level?, you __31_?_ be quite? wrong?; dont forge?t as many as 60 perce?nt of ATM machi?nes in the U.S. are still? runni?ng XP. So, whats the solut?ion? These? busin?esses?, gover?nment? agenc?ies, and consu?mers will have to upgra?de (更新). And wheth?er they choos?e Windo?ws 7 or Windo?ws 8, __32_?_ is proba?bly bette?r than a secur?ity breac?h (漏洞). (B) Almos?t every? child? grows? up readi?ng books? or heari?ng about? the tales? of drago?ns. __33_?_ (consi?der) to be the coole?st among? other? legen?dary anima?ls like troll?s (精灵), drago?ns take a speci?al place? in the world? of fanta?sy creat?ures. __34_?_ their? giant? sizes? which? seem t


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