牛津初中英语预备教程Starter Unit5教案(表格式集体备课稿).doc

牛津初中英语预备教程Starter Unit5教案(表格式集体备课稿).doc

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牛津初中英语预备教程Starter Unit5教案(表格式集体备课稿)

七年级英语教案活页纸 总 课 题 Unit5 Visit my school 总课时 4 第 1 课时 课  题 Welcome to the unit 课型 New 教学目标 1.To master the question form of “ there be” structure . 2.To master the new words . 3.To learn how to ask with “ how many” . 教学重点 Aims 1,23 教学难点 Aims 13 教学过程 教  师  活  动 学生活动 备课札记 StepⅠ.准备:事先准备三张图片:一张学校,一张游泳池,一张足球场。复习:复习上单元学过的内容,与学生进行对话(指着教室实物) What’s in our classroom? There’s a picture in it. There are thirty desks and chairs in it. There are six windows and two doors in it . StepII、呈现: 1、练习Is this…?Yes, it is 句型,拿出图片或指实物: A、老师与学生练习: Is this your school,Peter?(指图片) Yes, it is. Is this your classroom?Yes,it is.(指实物)B、学生与学生进行练习(全部指实物): Is this your bag? Yes, it is. Is this your book? Yes, it is. Is this your pencil box?Yes, it is等等。2、练习Is there…?Yes, there is .No, there isn’t. A、老师拿出游泳池、足球场的图片,与学生进行练习: Is there a swimming pool in your school? No, there isn’t. Is there a football field in your school? 在黑板上呈现swimming pool、football field两个词,教学生读会,然后叫学生起来朗读。 B、学生与学生进行练习,就图片和实物训练: Is there a blackboard in our classroom? learn the words Ss answer the Qs according to the real situation. prctise in pairs 教    师   活   动 学生活动 备课札记 Yes, there is. Is there a teacher’s desk in our classroom? Yes, there is. Is there a swimming pool in our classroom? No, there isn’t. Is there a football field in our classroom? No, there isn’t. 3、重点练习句型How many+名词复数in our school? There are…。 A、老师与学生练习: Excuse me, how many books are there in your bag? 引导学生回答:There are twelve或twenty books。 Excuse me, how many pencils are there in your pencil box? There are two. B、学生与学生练习: C、分小组训练How many…?There are… IV、听录音,回答问题: 听录音,并回答以下问题: Is this Peter’s school? Is there a swimming pool in his school? Is there a football field in his school? How many classrooms are there in his school? StepV、朗读课文: 1、教师领读课文。2、学生集体朗读课文。3、男女生分角色朗读。4、让同桌的学生上台表演对话。 VI、拓展训练: 让学生就身边的实物进行开展对话: Is there/Are there…in our classroom/bag/pencil box? Yes, there is /No, there isn’t. Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. How many…are t


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