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摘 要
针对当前变电站常规测温手段实时性能差、受安装环境限制大、无法实现对封闭设备等测温度的难题, 本文提出了将ZigBee组网技术运用于智能变电站测温度系统的方案。通过SHT10温度传感器、ZigBee自组网技术,系统实现了对变电站刀闸、母线、电缆、变压器外壳、线路导线等多个监测点温度的实时监测,使系统运行可靠、稳定,有效保障变电设备的正常运行。
关键词:ZigBee SHT10 CC2430 MsstatePan
Intelligent Substation Temperature Detection System Design and Implementation Based on The ZigBee Network
Aiming to several shortcomings of the normal method on temperature measurement in substation, such as the bad time-real function and the limitation of the environment and the infeasibility in airtight equipment, the ZigBee technology is applied to the temperature measurement system.Through the SHT10 temperature sensor and ZigBee network technology,on several points such as the substation,bus,cable,breaker transformer shell and line wires,the real time temperature monitoring system can be realized and make the substation equipment reliable and stable working.
The SHT10 temperature sensor and CC2430 wireless chip is used to set up a wireless sensor networks based on the MsstatePan protocol stack in this design.The network acts as a coordinator and several terminal nodes and together to form a star network.Terminal node is responsible for SHT10 to collect information and feedback to the coordinator, Coordinator is responsible for receiving and storing the information and distributing network control signal to the terminal node and communicating with the upper machine using the serial interface communication technology.Finally,it through the Labview programming language to realize the collected data on display and processing,thus effectively played to the intelligence of the substation of temperature monitoring.
Keywords:ZigBee SHT10 CC2430 MsstatePan目 录
1 引言 1
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