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思路集合 Point: Yes. The example of me designing the yearbook of my school. 细节:我擅长用photoshop之类的软件,一个人担任yearbook的设计,从来没有设计过这么大的东西,在电脑前呆了很久一点都没头绪(困难)(无力感)~~~~通过爸爸找了一个设计公司的姐姐,她教我了很多,她说我可以到网上找其他大公司的annual report借鉴设计元素(1st outdoor )~~~~我回家在网上找到了很多设计非常精美的annual reports,举例,PG 和Apple. 利用这些 reports,我学到了很多设计元素,并且出色的完成了yearbook( 2nd outdoor)(成功) P:yes I:in a Japanese laboratory, a research worker created the first plastic conductor which brought him the Nobel Prize. But the prototype of this new material is only created by a silly mistake. E:set back can make people see the another aspect of stuff or can help people solve another problem without intention. Is it necessary to challenge the authority? 权威---谁---老师 为什么挑战---犯错误 挑战权威 Like many other peers, I go to school to obtain knowledge from teachers every day. To us students, teachers can be viewed as an authority since their statements and opinions are always taken for granted.(树立权威) However, haven’t teachers ever made a mistake? I am afraid they have. Once our English teacher taught us a new word “frustrated”, she led us to read this word over and over again with the pronunciation as “flustrated”. However, none of the other students pointed out this mistake and nor did I. I guess most of the other students thought like I did: the pronunciation of flustrated might be a second option for this word and moreover, how could a teacher possibly be wrong? With this kind of idea, we didn’t even refer to a dictionary to confirm our guess and we just followed our teacher’s pronunciation. A couple of days later, a foreign teacher came to teach in our class. He greeted us and asked us whether everything was going on well with us. A boy student stood up and told the teacher “We are feeling quite ‘flustrated’ about our recent Math exam. It’s so hard!” Expecting some sympathy or comfort, we surprisingly found him laughing at our “flustration”. “Haven’t you noticed any pronunciation mistake in that boy’s sentence?” the f



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