高职酒店管理专业建设的探索 优先出版.pdf

高职酒店管理专业建设的探索 优先出版.pdf

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高职酒店管理专业建设的探索 优先出版

Major Construction 第17 卷 第2 期 辽 宁 高 职 学 报 专 业 建 设 Vol.17 , No.2 JOURNAL OF LIAONING HIGHER VOCATIONAL 高职酒店管理专业建设的探索 刘 丹 (大连职业技术学院,辽宁大连 116035) 摘 要:近些年全国高等职业教育蓬勃发展,其中酒店管理专业凭借专业定位准确、行业接触频繁等因素迅速 崛起,各院校在专业建设方面都有着独到见解与成功经验。以大连职业技术学院酒店管理专业为例, 在专业建设方面进行深入探索,多角度剖析专业发展趋势:通过全面的行业调研,进行准确的专业定 位;注重专业能力培养体系构建,突出职业素质体系建设;积极推进校企合作,构建基于工作过程的 课程;打造 “双师型”教师团队,学校和企业共同推进专业建设。 关键词:高职教育;酒店管理专业;专业建设 中图分类号:G710 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009—7600 (2015)02—0031—04 Exploration on Construction of Hotel Management Maj or in Higher Vocational Education LIU Dan (Dalian Vocational Technical College, Dalian 116035, China) Abstract: In recent years, the higher vocational education all over China has been booming, and especially the major of hotel management has risen rapidly because of the exact specialty orientation and the frequent contact with the hotel industry. Each vocational college has their own understanding and successful experience on the construction of this major. Taking the hotel management major as an example, it explores deeply in the major construction to analyze the major development tendency from the multi-dimension. Through the comprehensive survey, it carries out the exact specialty orientation, and pays great attention to constructing the system to train students professional competence in order to highlight the construction of the professional quality system; it pushes the cooperation between the college and enterprises actively, c


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