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Chapter 2 The Management Environment L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E SAfter reading this chapter, I will be able to: Describe the three waves in modern social history and their implications for organizations. Explain the importance of viewing management from a global perspective. Identify the ways in which technology is changing the manager’s job. Describe the difference between an e-business, e-commerce, and an e-organization. Define social responsibility and ethics. L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E SAfter reading this chapter, I will be able to: Explain what is meant by the term entrepreneurship and identify the components of the entrepreneurial venture. Describe the management implications of a diversified workforce. Identify which work/life concepts are affecting employees. Explain why many corporations have downsized. L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E SAfter reading this chapter, I will be able to: Explain why companies focus on quality and continuous improvement. Describe the key variables for creating a customer-responsive culture. 封面故事 MCI前身為WorldCom 執行長兼總裁Michael Capellas The Container Store Garrett Boone Kip Tindell, 1978 專賣storage products for business and homes Annual revenues exceeding 230 million Employs 1,600 individuals in 26 stores in 11 states Entrepreneurial spirit Customer service 235 hrs’ instruction first year 160 hrs’ training annually Fortune: one of the best companies to work in 改變世界的三波 Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave, 1989 農業(Agriculture): 1890 1890s 90%的工作都是與農業相關 工業化(Industrialization): 1900s low-skilled, blue-collar jobs 資訊(Information): 1970s educated skilled technical specialists professionals knowledge workers 第四波? E化、網路化 奈米科技 依據美國國家科學基金會主持人Dr.M.C.Roco的估計,公元2010到2015年間,全世界奈米技術相關的市場商機,包括奈米材料、奈米半導體、奈米醫療、奈米化工、奈米量測工具等,每年約1兆美元,可說是未來科技發展的主要領域之一。美國國家科學基金會奈米科技小組推估,未來十到十五年內,奈米科技產值可望達到一兆美元。因此世界各國都積極投下人力和財力研發奈米科技 德國研發「奈米牙膏」,利用微細黏膠顆粒能自動修補蛀牙裂縫 英國研發「奈米氣喘警告手錶」,透過奈米微量偵測技術提早警告有致喘物質 美國正發展間諜功能的「智慧灰塵」,灰塵中奈米偵測裝備可以收集資訊 日本的「奈米玻璃」照到太陽後,奈米微粒氧化會自動清洗窗戶髒污