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数据结构第二次实验 姓名:常伟乐 学号:20111002312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、循环队列基本操作 #includemalloc.h #includestdio.h #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 typedef int Status; // Status typedef int QElemType; #define MAXQSIZE 100 typedef struct { QElemType *base; int front; int rear; }SqQueue; Status InitQueue(SqQueue Q) { Q.base = (QElemType *)malloc (MAXQSIZE * sizeof(QElemType)); if(!Q.base) return ERROR; Q.front = Q.rear = 0; return OK; } Status EnQueue(SqQueue Q,QElemType e) { if((Q.rear + 1)% MAXQSIZE == Q.front)return ERROR; Q.base[Q.rear] = e ; Q.rear = (Q.rear + 1) % MAXQSIZE; return OK; } Status DeQueue(SqQueue Q, QElemType e) { if(Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; Q.front = (Q.front +1) % MAXQSIZE; return OK; } Status GetHead(SqQueue Q, QElemType e) { if(Q.front == Q.rear) return ERROR; e = Q.base[Q.front]; return OK; } int QueueLength(SqQueue Q) { return (Q.rear + MAXQSIZE - Q.front) % MAXQSIZE; } Status QueueTraverse(SqQueue Q) { int i; i=Q.front; if(Q.front == Q.rear)printf(The Queue is Empty!); else{ printf(The Queue is: ); while(i Q.rear) { printf(%d ,Q.base[i]); i = i+1; } } printf(\n); return OK; } int main() { int a; SqQueue S; QElemType x, e; if(InitQueue(S)) { printf(A Queue Has Created.\n); } while(1) { printf(1:Insert \n2:Delete \n3:Get the Front \n4:Return the Length of the Queue\n5:Load the Queue\n0:Exit\nPlease choose:\n); scanf(%d,a); switch(a) { case 1:printf(the elem is:\n); scanf(%d, x); if(!EnQueue(S,x)) printf(Enter Error!\n); else printf(The Element %d has Successfully Entered!\n, x); break; case 2: if(!DeQueue(S,e)) printf(Delete Error!\n); else printf(The Element %d is Successfully Deleted!\n, e); break; case 3: if(!GetHead(S,e))printf(Get Head Error!\n); else printf(The Head of the Queue is %d!\n, e); brea


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