
第二章 各类食品的营养价值.pptPPT.ppt

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第二章 各类食品的营养价值.pptPPT

Calcium and Milk The USDA recommends 2-3 servings for adequate calcium intake. The National Dairy Council suggests 2-4 servings per day. Dairy is one of the 5 food groups according to USDA/DHHS Dietary Guidelines. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) expert panel on “Optimal Calcium Intake” recognize dairy foods as the preferred source of calcium. ?2000 National Dairy Council and the Food Guide Pyramid courtesy of United States Department of Agriculture. “Low intake of dairy foods, which are the major source of calcium in the food supply, contributes to low calcium intake.” Calcium RDA for Adults = 1200 mg Calcium Handbook of National Dairy Foods; 2000 American’s Consume Too Much Dairy! According to the USDA figures, each year the average American eats 29.2 ounces of milk and dairy products That’s 586 lbs. Per year. What Might be Wrong With Milk? Contains: high amounts of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, animal proteins, and hormones. Increased risk of prostate cancer risk. What about prostate cancer? Diary products servings/day Prostate cancer relative risk What Might be Wrong With Milk? Contains: high amounts of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, animal proteins, and hormones. Increased risk of prostate cancer risk. Lactose intolerance Allergies Insulin-like growth factor increases risk of all cancers: especially prostate, breast, and lung cancer. BGH or bovine growth hormone, a contaminant in milk causes cancer. Diabetes has been linked to the consumption of milk dairy products. -The protein found in milk [lactalbumin] destroys insulin-producing cells The Cows Themselves Engineered milk will turn a 65lb calf into a 500lb cow in a year. Gave 2,000lbs of milk per year (50 yrs ago), now gives 50,000lbs. Accomplished by drugs, hormones, forced feeding, and specialized breeding. BGH stimulates milk production, but also comes out in the milk. Chemicals used to treat infected udders also come out in the milk. The Dairy Industry would have us believ


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