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医院感染管理是一项非常复杂也非常棘手的工作,同时也是一项非常重要非常致命的工作,不容忽视。宁远科技的院感产品可以为广大医院解决如下问题: 1、打造了全院相对健全的感染监测机制,风险系数大大 降低! 2、为医院节省了大量的人力成本! 3、是感控人员的得力助手,高效、省心、省力! 最后的话 谢 谢! This final slide illustrates the role we see for the Healthcare Transaction Base in building an infrastructure for the healthcare industry. The HTB services support the accumulation of a consolidated data repository for healthcare. [CLICK] The primary sources for this data are the various information system used to manage a healthcare organization. These include the Hospital Information Systems, Clinical Information Systems and various departmental systems. HL7 provides the industry standard for communicating with these systems. An integration engine, such as Oracle’s iHub, can be used to transfer these messages to the HTB repository. [CLICK] Information can also be added to the HTB repository through the Business Process API. This allows for the development of applications designed to support the specific needs of healthcare workers and support for new technologies, such as the emerging Point of Care appliances. [CLICK] Oracle’s data warehousing technolgies can be used to build business intelligence functionality on the HTB. This functionality includes the full range of standard reporting as well as ad hoc reporting and analysis. [CLICK] The current HTB release also supports the development of a highly useful data access and registry applications. Oracle does not plan to develop the applications. Instead, we see these applications as coming from our partners. [CLICK] The sum total is a healthcare infrastructure that broadly supports the individuals and organizations involved in healthcare delivery. 蓝蜻蜓院感企业版 前瞻性 可辅助开展抗菌药物使用目的、联合用药情况、治疗性用药送检率等监测,自动完成用药数据的收集,对于全院抗菌药物合理性用药有很强的指导作用。 ICU重症病人监测可自动获取每天的监护日志,让感控人员能轻松掌握重症病人的情况,及时进行必要的干预 外科手术监测可自动提取每天的外科手术情况,及时掌握切口愈合情况 蓝蜻蜓院感企业版 疑似病例有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站模块 ; 疑似病例有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站模块能实时从医院所有病历中有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站出医院感染疑似病例,大大缩小要查阅病例的范围,极大提高工作效率。有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站


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