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省略冠词 China is changing, and the changes in China, if they continue, may profoundly change the world. 中国在发生变化,这种变化如果持续下去,就可能真正(彻底)(深刻)地改变全世界。 前置词 Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所不准吸烟。 On the 13th of May, 1956, I became a civilian again. 1956年5月13号,我又是一个老百姓了。 从修辞的角度 英语重复出现的短语 University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。 Domestic lighting circuits should be at least two in number. 家用照明电路至少用该是两条。 Homework 1.He glanced at his watch; it was 7:15. 2.She felt the flowers were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breast. 3.In my childhood I learned a great deal about Russia. 4. It is only shallow people who judge by appearance. Domestic lighting circuits should be at least two in number. 3.儿童时代,我就听到许多关于俄国的事情。 4只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。 More examples: 此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换几件淡雅衣服,遽公孙举目细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌. By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown, and then Ju looked at her closely, and he saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame.  在汉语中从几个方面同时形容或说明同一事物  时,在译文中删减一些词,只翻译出其中一两个  方面倒可以使译文形象更为生动地表达出来. 她的朋友们听到她家中的困难情况之后,主动伸出援助之手。 After her friends heard about her family difficulties, they offered her an helping hand.  英语中大量使用抽象名词,概括力强;汉语则相对比较具体,常常以实的形式表示虚的观念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容.汉译英时,把汉语整个名词词组译成英语中抽象名词即可,否则就有画蛇添足之嫌 美华大酒店坐落在幽静的湖滨区,俯瞰西子湖,景色得天独厚. 译文1 Meihua Grand Hotel is located in a tranquil lake-side area, overlooking the West Lake, and has a unique scene.?? 译文2 Overlooking? from West Lake, Meihua Grand Hotel which is located in the sequestered area of Hubin, has advantaged scenery. ? 参考译文 Situated in the quiet neighborhood of Hubin Area with a spectacular view overlooking the West lake… 酒店餐饮服务丰富齐全,中西兼有. 译文1The hotel offers an extensive range of dining experiences, both eastern and western. 译文2 The catering service of hotel is all ready with Chinese food and western food. 参考译文:The hotel offers a variety of catering service in both Chinese and Western style


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