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adj.受限制的 v.限制 n.贫穷,贫困 n.缺口.差距.裂缝. v.放弃,抛弃 n.标题.头衔 ;n.财政,资金,金融 adj.多愁善感的 adj.荒唐的,n.荒唐 adj.足够的,适当的 adj.惯例的,传统的 ;state estate facilitate imitate irritate ; arise rise raise arouse ; adapt adept adopt adjust ; The biggest problem is that couples assume each other know whats going on with their finances, but they dont. There seems to be more of a taboo about talking about money than about death. In a healthy relationship, you dont have to agree about money, but you have to talk about it. (2011年12月真题) 最大的问题在于夫妻双方会想当然的认为他们知道彼此的财政状况,但是其实他们并不知晓,相对比于谈论死亡,似乎谈论金钱更是一种禁忌。但是在健康的夫妻关系中,彼此不需要在钱的问题上达成统一,但是一定会有非常必要的沟通. ;改革后翻译题型:段落翻译(汉译英);翻译的标准;大学英语四级考试新题型评分标准;1. 通读并透彻理解原文汉语句子,确定语法成分和句型。 中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。 译文:Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing dynasties. ;;2. 付诸笔墨,保证拼写无误。 人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。 译文1:People often make their home beautiful with paper cuttings. 译文2:People often beautify their home with paper cuttings. ;;样卷;样题;答案;汉语 VS 英语 不同表达习惯;一、英语重结构,汉语重语义 ;二、英语多长句,汉语多短句 ;三、英语多从句,汉语多分句 ;四、主语,宾语等名词成分“英语多代词,汉语多名词” ;五、英语多被动,汉语多主动 ;;六、英语多变化,汉语多重复 ;七、英语多抽象,汉语多具体 ;;八、英语多引申,汉语多推理 ;九、英语多省略,汉语多补充 ? ;? 十、英语多前重心,汉语多后重心 ? ;英汉结构差异;1. 正确判断句子之间的关系,补充连接手段,实现显性连接。 e.g. ……在这一年半中,她抄写、背写英语单词的纸,累起来可达桌子高。…… 思路:SVO=纸+达到+桌子高。 问题:累起来怎么处理? In that year and a half, the paper on which she had copied English words or written them down from memory, if stacked up, could reach the table from the floor. ;;;一、翻译的基本方法: 直译 & 意译;二、 汉译英的基本技巧;1. 我不觉得用英语与外国人交谈有什么困难。 I don’t think it is difficult to speak to a foreigner in English. 2. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.;2. 减词: ;见到自己的故乡,他想起了童年的情景。 The sight of his native place called back his childhood. 他连续讲了两小时的法语,没有出现任何错误。 He has been speaking in French for two hours without any mistakes. 长嗟短叹 -- sighing deeply 发号施令-- issue orders 土崩瓦解-- fall apart 两面三刀-- two-faced tactics ;3. 词类转换 ;4. 语态转换


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