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植物生物学实验 十二`真菌门植物的
植物生物学实验;实验目的与要求;实验材料;菌类植物主要特征;真菌的通性;菌丝组织体有三种变态:;2.真菌的繁殖:;真菌的分类;鞭毛菌亚门(Mastigomycotina);代表种类:;接合菌亚门(Zygomycotina);代表种类:;In Rhizopus stolonifer, as in most other lygomycetes, asexual reproduction by means of haploid spores is the chief mode of reproduction. Less frequently, sexal reproduction occurs. In this common species, it involves genetically differentiated mating strains, which have
traditionally been labeled -t- and - types.(Although the mating strains are morphologically indistinguishable from oneanother, they are shown here in two colors.) The zygosporangium in Rhizopus develops a thick, rough, black coat and becomes dormant, often for several months.;匍枝根霉的有性接合;子囊菌亚门(Ascomycotina);子实体;代表种类; 酵母菌芽孢子;代表种类;(a)青霉属 Penidllium and (b)曲霉属Aspergillus;(a)青霉属 Penidllium and (b)曲霉属Aspergillus; 其它种类:冬 虫 夏 草;羊肚菌;???肚菌属
A stained thin section through the hymenial layer of a morel (Morchella), showing asci with ascospores.
;担子菌亚门(Basidiomycotina);担子菌亚门的三个主要特征。; 担 孢 子;代表种类——伞菌目(Agaricales);草 菇; 银 耳; 金 针 菇; 美味牛肝菌; 蒙古口蘑;香 菇; 猴 头 菌;灵芝;树舌;茯 苓;腹菌纲:竹荪;竹荪;鬼笔;Stink-horn, Phallus impudicus.
The basidiospores are released in a foul-smelling, sticky mass at the top of the fungus. Flies, such as the individuals of Mydaea urbana shown here, visit it for food and spread the spores, which adhere to their legs and bodies in great numbers.;尖顶地星;Puffballs, Lycoperdon ericetorum.
Raindrops cause the thin outer layer of the puffball to dimple, forcing out a puff of air, mixed with spores, through the opening.;作业;思考与探索
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