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Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences School of PHARMACEUTICAL sciences Southern Medical University final examination For pharmacology—paper 1 autumn semester, 2007 Undergraduate of Preclinical Medicine STUDENT NAME: ROLL NUMBER: SUBJECT (TITLE): COURSE CODE: QUALITY CHECK SIGNATURE: Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding Write your name and roll number (on the right top of each answer sheet) clearly; This is your final examination, please write carefully; The examination paper MUST NOT be taken out of the examination room; Read the directions carefully before answering each question; Pens and erasers may be used, but calculators, cell phones are forbidden;; WEIGHTING: This paper consists of TWO sections. Allocation of marks is listed as follows. Students are advised to use the marking system as a guide to the amount of time to be used on each question. DATE: Class hours: TIME: Examination Paper Designer: Sections Section A: 60 MCQs Section B: Answer Questions Total Marks 60 40 100 Results Corrector Marks: SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (60×1=50) Marks: Directions: Each question in this section is a multiple-choice question with five answer choices. Read each question carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Record your answer on the answer document in the space that corresponds to the question number. Completely fill in the space that has the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Use only a No. 2B lead pencil. 1. Receptors are macromolecules that (A) Are designed to attract drugs (B) Are resistant to antagonists (C) Exist as targets for physiological neurotransmitters and hormones (D) Are only on the outer surface of cells (E) Are only inside of cells 2. Which of the following chemical bonds would create an irreversible combination of an antagonist with its re


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