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The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (spring rituals) Circular Mound Altar Winter solstice 斋宫 燔柴炉 The Temple of Heaven: Reverence with Awe and Gratitude 1.Emperor Yongle Ming dynasty(1369-1644) Not only presents a beautiful spectacle, but also represents the Chinese pursuit of harmony between Heaven and mortals. Holding nature in awe Blue-thematic color White foundations—triple-terraced Close to Heaven Humanity and Heaven in Communication The echo of sound Echo wall Eco-awareness in Traditional Chinese Culture Human-centrism(人类中心主义) Eco-holism(生态整体主义) Eco-ethics Eco-philosophy The Philosophy of “Life” Confucius: Heaven: the source of all living things The creation of life==Heavenly Way(天道) Heavenly Destination(天命) The Book of Changes The continuous creation of life is change生生谓之易 The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.天地之大德曰生 孟子Mencius(372-289BC) (One should) love one’s family, love the people, and love all living things in the world. 亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。 Zhou dunyi(1017-1073)周敦颐(宋) “Heaven creates life through Yang and nurtures life through yin” 天以阳生万物,以阴成万物。 程颐(1033-1107) “the nature of life is love” 天地之性便是仁 张载(1020-1077) All people in the world are my brothers and all beings in the world are my companions民吾同胞,物吾与也 程颢(1032-1085) “those with love regard themselves as the same as other living things in the world.人与天地一物也(仁者与天地万物为一体” 仁者浑然与万物同体) 郑板桥(1616-1911) It is unreasonable to keep them in a cage just to please myself, to oppress their nature to suit my nature! 我图娱悦,彼在囚牢,何情何理,而必屈物之性以适吾性乎! All living things each live by their respective nature. 各适其天 王概(Wang Gai 1654-1710) The secret of painting fish: Depicting their liveliness as they swim in water. 画鱼须活泼,得其游泳像。 Ancient Chinese Literature 山鸟山花吾友于(杜甫) “人鸟不相乱,见兽皆相亲(王维) ”一松一竹真朋友,山鸟山花好弟兄” 我见青山多妩媚,料青山、见我应如是 (辛弃疾) “相看两不厌,唯有敬亭山(李白) 竹里馆(王维) 独坐幽篁里, 弹琴复长啸, 深林人不知, 明月来相照。 Amid the Bamboos Alone I sit in the bamboo forest quiet And play a zither and whistle liud and long. Remote from the rest of men. Who


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