[管理学]市场营销 英文版.ppt

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[管理学]市场营销 英文版

Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学 International Marketing Huili Shang Associate Professor Doctor Lectures design 1、2*15=30 2、Reference book: Marketing : An introduction Gary Armstrong(加里·阿姆斯特朗) Philip Kotler(菲利普·科特勒) 3、Communication: if you have any question, don not hesitate to let me know. Main Content 基本内容 营销人员与销售人员的区别 宏观与微观营销 Chapter one International marketing briefing 1.1 What is marketing 1.2 what is iternational marketing 1.3 international marketing of Chinese companies 1.4 marketing management orientations Objectives (学习目标) ●Key terms ●Notes 15 1.1 What is marketing 1.1.1 The definition of marketing ① Page 3 ②Marketing: a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others. 市场营销的定义 ——菲利普·科特勒的定义 市场营销是一个社会管理过程,在这个过程中,个人和群体通过创造、提供、与他人交换有价值的产品而满足自身的需要和欲望。 1.1.2 Marketing and sales the marketing process on page 4 (1)Customer needs and wants (2)RD (3)Engineering (4)Manufacturing (5)Customer value 1.1.3 basic elements of the marketing conceptP 4 1 needs, wants and demands 2 product 3 consumer value and consumer satisfaction 4 exchange, transaction and relationships 5 markets 1 needs, wants and demands Need: states of felt deprivation. The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of human needs. Needs are the basic forces that drive customers to take action and engage in exchanges. We all have basic physical needs critical to our survival, such as food, drink, warmth, shelter, sleep and security. We also have social and individual needs critical to our psychological well-being, social need for belonging, love, esteem and individual needs for knowledge and self-fulfillment. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, he divides humans needs into five levels: basic needs, safety needs, soc


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