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DEO200-E-103 DOPC 建立 FB 点 (实验练习) Copyright, Notices and Trademarks Printed in Japan - Copyright 2003 by Yamatake Corporation While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Yamatake Corporation disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer. In no event is Yamatake Industrial Systems Corporation liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. 录 1 规书 1 实验练习 : 建立FB 点3 实验练习 :运行检查3 2 FB 点部件的介绍 4 2. 1 块组件4 2. 1. 1 部件外观 (默认)4 2. 1.2 部件的输入/输出参数4 2. 1.4 部件特性设置内容21 2. 1.5 连接Block 部件的规则23 2.2 BOX 参数部件25 2.2. 1 BOX 参数部件特性设置内容25 2.2.2 BOX 参数部件的可连接参数26 i 1 规格书 在下列情况下,设置标记点。 ・当模拟量输入值与参考值的差大于 10.0 时。 或者 ・当当前时间与你设定的时间一样时。( 5 秒) 1. 1 定义的实例 FB 点 AI 参考值 SUB ABS HMS NN(1) 小时 HOUR NN(2) EQ AND 分钟 MINUTE NN(3) EQ AND OffDly OR FL(1) 秒 SECOND NN(4) EQ :点 :FB 部件 :Box 参数部件 (当时的信息) 对于FB 相关部件的详细资料, 参照后面第二章 「Block 组件的介绍」。


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