[英语]【大学生体验英语大二上】UNIT 6PassageA words.ppt

[英语]【大学生体验英语大二上】UNIT 6PassageA words.ppt

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[英语]【大学生体验英语大二上】UNIT 6PassageA words

2.bald adj. ①with little or no hair (on the head) 秃头的 a bald head 秃头 You are going to be bald. ② (of tire)worn out and smooth (轮胎)磨光的,破旧的 One of her bald tires went flat on her way home. 在她回家的路上一只旧轮胎漏气了。 ③ with little or no ornament; plain 毫不掩饰的,直率的 a bald statement 直言不讳的声明 Money is too bald a word, they prefer funds. ④ uninteresting 枯燥乏味的 He writes in a bald style. [派生词]: baldly adv.不加虚饰的; baldness n. 秃顶 [易混词]:bold adj.胆大的,有志气的;bare赤裸的,光着的,没有保护的 Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still______. A. blank B.hollow C.vacant D. bare Key: D bare没有遮盖的,草木不生的 blank空白的 hollow空的,不实心的 vacant空着的,未被占用的 v. ①make a sudden,sharp noise 发出爆裂声,劈啪地响 I heard fireworks cracking. ②break or split 破裂,裂开,断裂 The ice cracked as I stepped onto it. Don’t pour boiling water onto the glass or it will ____. A. Crush B. crack C. smash D. shatter Key: B crush:压碎 smash: 打碎 shatter; 粉碎,成为碎片 ③collapse from strain 累垮,体力衰退,精神崩溃 They questioned him for days before he cracked. [派生词]: cracked adj. 有裂痕的 His trousers _____ when he tried to jump over the fence. 2003/12/65 A) cracked B) split C) broke D) burst key: B [近义词]: break 打破,打断,将某物打碎或折段 * * Passage A words and phrases 1.approach n. — the act of getting nearer; a way or method of doing something The approach of Christmas has brought about a shopping boom. With the approach of the examination, she spends more time studying. Do you find this approach usually works? The traditional approach ___with complex problems is to break themselves into small, more easily managed problems. A. to dealing B. in dealing C. dealing D. to deal Key: A More to learn approach to sth (doing sth) approach v. — 1) to deal with (something) We need to find the best way of approaching this problem. He approached the new job with enthusiasm.他满怀热情地去干新的工作。 Did he approach you about/on lending him some money? 为某事同某人打交道 2) to come near (er) The tot


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